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SoWal Guide
Staff member
Nov 15, 2004
South Walton, FL
Walton County Sheriff's Office Spring Break 2015 Safety Tips [or how to avoid a fine and/or jail]

  • Deputies will be on the beach taking an aggressive stance against under age drinking.
  • Walton County has a zero tolerance policy for underage drinking.
  • The legal drinking age in the State of Florida is 21. Please ensure if you are of age and you are going to be consuming alcohol that you have a valid photo ID readily available.
  • 800 arrests were made in the spring break period last year. Nearly all the offenses were alcohol-related and the majority were for underage drinking.
  • If you are drinking alcohol and are underage you will be arrested and taken to Walton County jail and subject to $350 fine.
  • Enjoy the beach but clean up after yourself. Glass containers are not permitted (tickets will be issued).
  • Mobile command units will be in place and deputies will be patrolling boardwalks and beaches.
  • Resorts and beach towns in South Walton will have extra security in place. Deputies will be on hand in many of these places as well.



SoWal Guide
Staff member
Nov 15, 2004
South Walton, FL
What do you think of this video? I don't like the opening gun fire - or the crazy beach scenes - this is NOT what most of our beaches look like during spring break, though it is reality for a few spots - unfortunately (not a good image for South Walton). Otherwise, the message is a loud and clear - it's an honest message - and it's important to get this out to our young visitors and their parents. I hope to see more information published about beach safety, rules and regulations coming forth to educate ALL visitors. Deputies will be out on the beaches in South Walton arresting anyone participating in underage drinking or other criminal activity.

Thanks to Walton County Sheriff's Office, South Walton Fire District and all emergency responders for gearing up for a busy spring break season and keeping everyone safe. Meetings are taking place in the county as officials plan and prepare for crowds.


Beach Fanatic
Jan 14, 2008
My wish is that they would patrol the beach more often even AFTER spring break. Way too many glass bottles on our beach. Sometimes that's all I see on my walks and some bottles are never disposed of and just left on the beach. Our county needs to monitor that along with the unleashed and unsupervised dogs running amuck all season long. I've been walking our beaches year round for 15 years and the problems that were never enforced get worse every year.

Will B

Jan 5, 2006
Atlanta, GA
I think every parent should make their kids watch Chris Rock's "How not to get your a** kicked by the police" video. As far as the WCSO video...why do they open it with them setting off flash bang grenades and storming a room? Really?


Sep 10, 2008
Miramar Beach
I hope they will have the same level of presence during the entire tourist season. If not it sounds like selective enforcement.

John G

Beach Fanatic
Jul 16, 2014
Excellent points brought up by each poster. It goes without saying (but I'll say it), at least WCSO is making an attempt... While the SWAT Team and explosion are way off base, I do like the crazy beach scenes and the trash. Makes us all remember what recent Spring Breaks have done to our community.

What or How with our TDC (beefed up) Code Enforcement be involved. Glass Bottles, dogs off leashes, etc. Seemed to have heard that before and then again before that, yet it continues. Maybe the TDC can make a video too, explaining how and where to park, dog permit rules and other useful info.

One thing that was not provided in this post is how and where is this video being distributed? Social Media? or other avenues?


Beach Fanatic
Apr 11, 2005
Nashville & Seagrove
Too bad more of this kind of action wasn't taken 5 years ago when 30A Spring Break really amped up to a new level of insanity!! It progressively became more intolerable and frustrating for me as a (former) 30A homeowner. Maybe those kids would have moved on to other beaches by now if more had been done sooner. Hope for all of you that WCSO efforts will be highly effective. Sadly, too late for me.

John G

Beach Fanatic
Jul 16, 2014
It took a public shaming of the sheriff at the Seascape Meeting to get this response. Now its full steam ahead, which is a good thing. Just so that this enforcement doesn't stay on the west end, they need to come east too.


SoWal Guide
Staff member
Nov 15, 2004
South Walton, FL
This video was announced on WCSO facebook page and it is on YouTube. I have inquired about official press information regarding beach rules, laws, actions, etc. The WCSO PIO responded very kindly that there is nothing else to share at this point. I have also asked the Walton County TDC for anything they may be putting out.

I sincerely hope at some point, the County will have a professional video completed, along with an official statement/press release about spring break guidelines, etc. I would also hope that the scenes are more beautiful and pristine - to show visitors what we expect (not what we have experienced).

The current video may be enticing to some young adults... woohoo!!! I remember those days, we never think WE will be the ones to get arrested.

Our county has addressed the spring break escalation each year and I applaud them for that. I also encourage our county to be more proactive and get the word out far in advance of spring break as to the kind of beach community we are and what we plan to do to keep it safe and peaceful.

This information is not only important for teens and college students headed here to the beach. It is extremely important for families with children of all ages to know the rules and to be safe. For example, parents often do not realize how important it is to know where your children are at all times (regardless of age). When we have so many visiting from so many places, you must take extra care. Locals must also take extra care with their children. Letting your children out of sight is not a good idea now matter how well you know the area or how comfortable you feel.

Underage drinking is not the only issue. There are so many other safety messages beginning with rules of the beach, beach flags, rip tides, sea turtles, clean up your stuff, bike safety, golf cart rules, bonfires, Florida law, pets on the beach, and so much more...
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