Wings Cancer Foundation's fourth annual Ride to Rosemary Beach will take place Oct. 4-8 on a journey from The West Clinic in Memphis to Town Square in Rosemary Beach. [FONT=Helvetica Neue, Segoe UI, Helvetica, Arial, Lucida Grande, sans-serif]Riders will leave Memphis at 8:30am on Oct. 4 are expected to arrive in Rosemary Beach on Oct. 8 at around 5:30pm.
Twenty-five riders will participate in the five-day, 500-mile charity event. The Wings Ride promotes cancer awareness, encourages a healthy lifestyle and raises funds for Wings Cancer Foundation’s Wellness Program.
Wings Ride will fund Wings Wellness, a program that teaches cancer survivors to incorporate daily exercise, healthy diet, and emotional health to reshape their lives following cancer treatment. Research shows these activities help survivors recover from their treatment faster as well as prevent cancer recurrence.

For more information, go to or visit and @wingscancerfdn.

Twenty-five riders will participate in the five-day, 500-mile charity event. The Wings Ride promotes cancer awareness, encourages a healthy lifestyle and raises funds for Wings Cancer Foundation’s Wellness Program.
Wings Ride will fund Wings Wellness, a program that teaches cancer survivors to incorporate daily exercise, healthy diet, and emotional health to reshape their lives following cancer treatment. Research shows these activities help survivors recover from their treatment faster as well as prevent cancer recurrence.

For more information, go to or visit and @wingscancerfdn.