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Beach Comber
Jan 13, 2017
Just drove through Seaside and Watercolor. It's mind-boggling how overrun these communities are with children, young adults, and their parents who simply can't be bothered with social distancing. The same people who will scream and cry when they find no ventilators or beds available in their local hospitals. The math is ugly and pretending it's not about to get way worse is insane. I heard someone today say that there are no cases of COVID-19 in Walton County. This is laughable considering there are virtually no tests available. If you think there are no carriers traipsing around 30A then you are kidding yourself. Social distancing is proven to work and a strong local government would enforce it. Strength and intestinal fortitude are sorely lacking in Walton County.


Beach Fanatic
Nov 13, 2008
Eastern Lake
You should also add testicular fortitude to your statement as well - Our county government is extremely narrow minded and only concerned with the almighty tourist dollar and what they fail to realize is short term pain is much better for everyone then long term. Think of the economy in the summer when no one is here and no dollars are either. Such a sad state of affairs when people like our two newly elected officials can not look at the much bigger and broader picture.. But there is good news and that is gun sales are up so people with money and groceries will be able to defend themselves... Sad very sad


Beach Fanatic
Oct 25, 2012
Just drove through Seaside and Watercolor. It's mind-boggling how overrun these communities are with children, young adults, and their parents who simply can't be bothered with social distancing. The same people who will scream and cry when they find no ventilators or beds available in their local hospitals. The math is ugly and pretending it's not about to get way worse is insane. I heard someone today say that there are no cases of COVID-19 in Walton County. This is laughable considering there are virtually no tests available. If you think there are no carriers traipsing around 30A then you are kidding yourself. Social distancing is proven to work and a strong local government would enforce it. Strength and intestinal fortitude are sorely lacking in Walton County.
Most of our residents and visitors are Republican. When asked, most say they aren't that concerned about it.

James Bentwood

Beach Fanatic
Feb 24, 2005
I’m one of the nicest people I know Truman But when I encounter the horrendous behavior of VERY not nice people I’m going to speak up. I respect the place I live these folks do not Truman. I lived in Atlanta and Marietta Ga for 25 years so I know all about ill mannered people, entitled people and their children I’m speaking common sense. We are all facing a very serious health crises Truman
Well they aren't leaving so maybe we should.


Beach Lover
Oct 15, 2019
Seagrove Beach
It goes without saying - this Donald Trump's fault! I think the trade deal with China must have included the development and release of the cornavirus. Damn Republicans!


SoWal Guide
Staff member
Nov 15, 2004
South Walton, FL
Walton County BCC Directs Attorney to Draft Emergency Ordinance to Close Walton County Beaches

During today's emergency meeting of the Walton County Board of County Commissioners (WCBCC), the WCBCC approved a motion to direct the County Attorney to draw up an emergency ordinance to close the beaches in Walton County.

At their direction, the County Attorney's office will work on the ordinance and bring it to the board The board at 9 a.m. on Thursday March 19th as part of the recessed Emergency Meeting.

The WCBCC will reconvene at 9:00 am on Thursday, March 19th in the DeFuniak Springs Boardroom located at 571 US Hwy 90 in DeFuniak Springs.

In an abundance of caution, space will be limited. We will be practicing social distancing as per the CDC guidelines and will maintain the 6-foot rule.

This meeting is open to the public. Please be governed accordingly.

30A Skunkape

Jan 18, 2006
Backatown Seagrove
Closing the beach sounds radical. It IS radical. But there is no other way to break the cycle of outsiders coming here to overcrowd, transmit locally and export the virus back to wherever it is they came from. If not for the beach, is there REALLY any other reason to be here? I applaud our BCC if they follow through with this.


Beach Crab
Mar 18, 2020
I do not post often (actually my first on this board) but my family and I always read this board to keep up with everything because we rent a house for a month each year, the past 7 years. With that being said, I complete agree tat too many tourist are down here taking advantage in the wrong way and not appreciating the beauty of 30A. We rent just outside seaside in a pretty secluded area and def are practicing social distancing. If they actually shut down beaches, how strict will they be about people like myself, wife and baby actually being on beach? Do you all think it will be super strict or aimed towards the young spring breakers that are not practicing what they advise? Thanks in advance for your help and thanks for having such a beautiful stretch of land that you all make it what it is.
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