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John G

Beach Fanatic
Jul 16, 2014
How is this legal? At some point people need to figure out that a public road, a public right of way, and a public beach access leading to a public beach do not belong to them!

Where are our elected officials? The most important part of both local and tourist life is the beach! The parking nonsense was bad enough, but letting them take away accesses is insane! We need to be buying up land and adding more access, while expanding the existing ones, not letting a few neighborhood people who don't even live there full time dictate every else's rights!

The quite title option is a good move on their part. Those homeowners in that area had to deal with all sorts of idiots parking on their driveways, in their streets (blocking the Stop Sign there) and all over.

Additionally, they probably didn't care much for the Free Shuttle from a development on 393 invading their once quiet neighborhood (neither would I) and busing in folks to that beach.

Trash containers were always overflowing and the place became a circus.

Perhaps if there had been some Enforcement of the parking (not just having the blonde Posse' lady putting a 48 hour warning sticker on cars) this would not have escalated to this.

I like that other property owners are taking steps to protect their private property.

The County should have been buying up parcels of land with access a long time ago. Epic Fail on the BCC's fault over the years.


Beach Fanatic
Jul 8, 2009
Stone's throw from Inlet Bch
Not sure about past years, but the county approved a contract just last month to purchase some beachfront property in Inlet Beach with TDC funds for public use. They are also looking at a couple of other beachfront parcels in another area. The problem I have heard is that when it becomes known that the county/TDC are looking at buying a beachfront parcel, someone in the neighborhood steps up and buys it first to keep the county from getting it.


Beach Lover
Jan 30, 2016
The quite title option is a good move on their part. Those homeowners in that area had to deal with all sorts of idiots parking on their driveways, in their streets (blocking the Stop Sign there) and all over.

Additionally, they probably didn't care much for the Free Shuttle from a development on 393 invading their once quiet neighborhood (neither would I) and busing in folks to that beach.

Trash containers were always overflowing and the place became a circus.

Perhaps if there had been some Enforcement of the parking (not just having the blonde Posse' lady putting a 48 hour warning sticker on cars) this would not have escalated to this.

I like that other property owners are taking steps to protect their private property.

The County should have been buying up parcels of land with access a long time ago. Epic Fail on the BCC's fault over the years.


Beach Lover
Jan 30, 2016
I can understand beachfront properties’ concern but the mayhem you describe did not happen in the Beach Highland’s area. The no parking signs have been effective, on holidays the county had a deputy keeping order. As far as shuttles I never personally witnessed it but it seems a compromise could be worked out instead of closing the decades old public accesses to whole neighborhoods.

John G

Beach Fanatic
Jul 16, 2014
The parking WAS a problem, until the huge signs were installed.

The shuttle ran from the Subdivision on 393 to Blue Mtn., to this access. I saw it each weekend as it would stop (with no one riding it BTW).

Followed it back on its route and spoke with driver at Gulf Place. This was one of the stops.

Perhaps, no more...


Beach Fanatic
Feb 4, 2008
Roosevelt, MN
A bus stop in the middle of that tiny neighborhood could be problematic. How was that location ever chosen? Seems like there are far better choices, better access, more space, and public bathrooms. Doesn't make sense.


Beach Lover
Jan 30, 2016
The parking WAS a problem, until the huge signs were installed.

The shuttle ran from the Subdivision on 393 to Blue Mtn., to this access. I saw it each weekend as it would stop (with no one riding it BTW).

Followed it back on its route and spoke with driver at Gulf Place. This was one of the stops.

Perhaps, no more...

I think it would be easy to have the shuttle’s route restricted to improved county accesses or state parks only.
Last edited:


Beach Fanatic
Feb 21, 2006
Copy and share this to your contacts

Let’s keep our right to use the beach
Contact the Commissioners-

Beach front property owners at Beach Highlands have claimed title to the beach and beach accesses at the Stallworth Walkover and Bullard/Highland access through a quiet title. As a result of this, or similar actions, South Walton Beaches are becoming closed to the public.
Walton County must protect the public’s right to use the beach through an ordinance declaring Customary Use of the beach and beach access by the public. Once an ordinance is in place the public will be allowed use of the beach, no matter who has title. It will be up to the property owners to challenge the county ordinance.
Contact ALL of the county commissioners and tell them to move forward with writing and adopting a Customary Use ordinance for the beach and beach accesses of Walton County.
Walton County Commissioners:
William "Bill" Chapman (R), District 1 Commissioner
District Office:
Office (850) 835-4860

Cecilia Jones (R), District 2 CommissionerDistrict Office:
Office (850) 892-4020
Bill Imfeld (R), District 3 CommissionerDistrict Office:
Office (850) 892-8474
Sara Comander (R), District 4 Commissioner
District Office:
Office (850) 835-4834

Cindy Meadows(R), District 5 Commissioner
District Office:
Office (850) 231-2978

Matt J

May 9, 2007
The parking WAS a problem, until the huge signs were installed.

The shuttle ran from the Subdivision on 393 to Blue Mtn., to this access. I saw it each weekend as it would stop (with no one riding it BTW).

Followed it back on its route and spoke with driver at Gulf Place. This was one of the stops.

Perhaps, no more...

The parking was a problem because owners in that neighborhood don't understand what a public right of way is. They put barriers on public land to prevent legitimate street parking. They have intimidated the traffic study engineers, public works and even Chelco to keep ROW's obstructed. These people are worse than socialists or communists in there greed to STEAL from the public.

Now they'll tell you that they have suffered vandalism, threats and violence and a host of other unsubstantiated claims. Countless times they have outright lied at BCC meetings and attempted fraud to restrict access to Public roads and lands. Regarding their claims of vandalism and threatening beach goers there is not 1 arrest or even police report to back up any one of their claims.


Beach Lover
Jul 16, 2012
Last Saturday night, I had a bonfire at the Dune Allen west neighborhood access to celebrate my sons 17th birthday and a gulf front homeowner called the police who arrived within 5 minutes of our fire being lit. We had a permit, the proper container, and wood. There was no alcohol, a few chairs, a radio and about 25-30 people standing around the fire. The tide was out so we set up right by the waters edge, as far from the gulf front houses as possible. We chose this access because it is the closest one to our house. The homeowner told the police we were trespassing on private property,which was not true as we went straight down from the steps at the access, which is what the permit allows. The officer even walked with me toward the nearest house and half way there, agreed he couldn't even hear the music or talking. He was very understanding but said if he got called back, we would probably have to leave because the homeowner would just keep calling and saying it was disturbing him. This homeowner was INSIDE his house and you could barely hear us from outside ( I am sure of this because I walked up to the access steps and recorded the sound ). We stayed for a while, but it sure put a damper on the night when you have to spend the first 20 minutes defending your right to be on the public beach, and worrying that the police are going to be called again. I have lived in walton county my entire life, and resent that I can't have a LEGAL bonfire on the public beach without having to defend my right to do so.
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