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I see 4 people with 22 correct, BR with 23. And four with a total so far of 156, 155, 153, me, and 152, one with 151. Guess I'm confused.
We have compiled a list of all picks in Excel. If we do a "what if" at this point in time separately for each of the top players winning out, we can see how ties are possible. You can't just look at the current chart and understand this. You have to look at the current chart and the picks made by the top pickers for the remaining games to understand it. In the event of FSU winning Monday night, we will have a 3-way tie for Bowl Champion and a 2-way tie for Grand Champion.

BTW we just double-checked the picks. We gave Fulmer a win on the first bowl game. Actually he lost it. So his score in the chart is one off.
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Here is the way the bowl championship will be determined:
If Auburn wins, Beach Runner will be the bowl champion.
If FSU wins, there will be a tiebreaker between Beach Runner, Iris, and Arkiehawg.

For the overall pick'em season:
If Auburn wins, cnestg8r will be the overall season champion.
If FSU wins, there will be a tiebreaker between Iris and cnestg8r.

By noon CST today the four people involved in a possible tiebreaker will send Lady D their answers to the following question: "The game is composed of 60 minutes of regulation time. How many minutes and seconds are left in the game when FSU gets the lead and never looses it?" Lady D will post all 4 answers this evening.

Good luck to all!

Lady D

SoWal Insider
Jun 21, 2005
Memphis, Tennessee, United States
Ok people. Almost time for kickoff. Here are the answers for the tiebreaker question I received via private message. Good luck to BR, Cnestg8r, and Iris.

Beach Runner: 48 minutes 56 seconds
Cnestg8r: 50:00
Iris: 21:30

Enjoy the game.
Oh, what a difference 13 seconds makes!. This is unofficial (will need cnestg8r to post the total stats), but it appears to me that Iris won the bowl championship in the last 13 seconds , and Arkiehawg and I tied for second. For the overall season championship including bowls, Iris is first and cnestg8r is second. Congratulations to all, especially Iris!


Beach Lover
May 9, 2007
Great season everyone. Thank you to all of you that work so hard to pick the games and keep and compile the list. I really enjoyed this and I look forward to next year!
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