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Tamara Lemus

Beach Comber
Jul 27, 2020
We were just at Grayton State Park Beach saturday and they had plenty of space along with bathrooms and has free admission. If you want to be right on the front row, then that might be an issue unless you get there early in the morning. The new Dune Allen Access across Stinkys fish camp has handicap parking and a ramp. It was busy on Sunday but Monday was fine. I assume mid week would be best at any public access. Grayton Beach is very deep and also shares the outlet to western lake so plenty of space for badminton and a volleyball net is there as well . One would have to drive on the beach like mentioned earlier due to the width of the beach. I hope you and the family have a great trip.

I did call them this morning to feel out that option, and she said they were at full capacity by 9 this morning. And the problem is that others don't realize the danger to him, and I can't relax if there are people behind or in front of us and walking past on our sides constantly. His cardiologist said in no uncertain terms that he MUST stay a minimum of 6 feet from anyone, even outside. So I have a feeling that I'd be so anxious there that I'd drive him and myself nuts (well, more, anyway lol). If we need to though, we can always try that early in the morning and if it starts to get crowded we can always leave and head back to the condo if need be. Thanks for the recommendation!


Beach Lover
May 26, 2019
Santa Rosa Beach
I’m sure there’s one benevolent home owner who would invite these folks over for a day or two. Oh wait, the Huckster would be trolling all of BMB looking for them. So you’re right.... :pissed:

Tamara Lemus

Beach Comber
Jul 27, 2020
Hopefully a private beach owner will see your post and allow you access to their property.

We would be more than happy to use a nearby public access to get ON the beach early in the morning, but without permission to be on private property, we would have to leave once more people started setting up on the beach in the public area.

I know most home owners' access is actually connected to their home, so I would not expect at all to be allowed to use that. We would be more than happy to enter thru a public entry, and then walk some as long as we know we have permission to be on the beach property in front of the home.

I'm hoping someone that doesn't use their cabin/home during the week might allow us to use the beach in front of it. We arrive on a Saturday and could easily agree to only be on the beach Mon-Fri or Mon-Thursday.

But if not, we will make the best of it and just do a few really early mornings and leave once people start crowding in. I'm hoping he has a wonderful time regardless!


Beach Fanatic
Jun 26, 2010
I'm kind of scared to ask, but what or who is the Huckster?
Mike Huckabee, Blue Mountain Beach homeowner, sworn enemy of sea turtles, socialists, non-christians and "the gays".
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Tamara Lemus

Beach Comber
Jul 27, 2020
Mike Huckabee, Blue Mountain Beach homeowner, sworn enemy of sea turtles, socialists, non-christians and "the gays".

well, then, since we are neither sea turtles, socialists, non-christian, nor "the gays", I'm hoping we can avoid his wrath and he won't intentionally seek us out to make our lives more difficult! :dunno:

That's actually kind of sad and I will do our very best to make sure we don't even walk across his property, if that is what makes him happy. Although, I'm kind of picking up that nothing will make him happy :cuss:
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