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Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
Santiago said:
The question is did it wake the cops up?

I think the noise of the crash shocked them and they probably knew what had happend before they looked up. They are not usually asleep, though sometimes they do nap. They are usually reading or looking at their computers monitors.

Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
The concrete was being poured yesterday, to anchor the bolts that attach the pole for the traffic light at the 98/283 intersection. :clap_1: I think the concrete has to cure for another 30 days or so, before they will attach the pole, arm, and signal. Then, if people will not run the red lights, people will know who has the right of way, and hopefully, will avoid many accidents. All I can say is that it is about time.


May 30, 2005
redneck heaven
if a stop sign didn't stop her would a traffic light - wait - why was her family following in another car when she was alone and driving a huge 6-seater or better Expedition? At 3 bucks a gallon at that?

hey, did they put in the rumble strips (you know, the intentional sets of bumps approching the intersection - closer together as you get closer - if they dont wake you up youre dead already) or not? - they would have stopped the problem ages ago


Staff member
Oct 15, 2004
aquaticbiology said:
hey, did they put in the rumble strips (you know, the intentional sets of bumps approching the intersection - closer together as you get closer - if they dont wake you up youre dead already) or not? - they would have stopped the problem ages ago

I think they have stopped using those.


May 30, 2005
redneck heaven
The warning bumps are still used some places around here, but other places around Mizippi use painted angled lines with a cross-hatched design that makes you tires sing or make noise (like the yellow middle line - put a tire on it and it should audibly tell you you are on it - or going off the right side of 98 makes the buzzing sound due to tiny grooves). The paint or grooves don't bounce you around like the bumps do. The paint version sounds like a good idea for the county suggestion box. Cheap, easy and might even save your own life someday.

Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
aquaticbiology said:
The warning bumps are still used some places around here, but other places around Mizippi use painted angled lines with a cross-hatched design that makes you tires sing or make noise (like the yellow middle line - put a tire on it and it should audibly tell you you are on it - or going off the right side of 98 makes the buzzing sound due to tiny grooves). The paint or grooves don't bounce you around like the bumps do. The paint version sounds like a good idea for the county suggestion box. Cheap, easy and might even save your own life someday.

The DOT cannot even place the yeild signs in the correct locations at that intersection. I wonder if the County knows how to paint the arrows or stripes. They have a flashing caution light installed, but I, too, think they need a little something more. Also there is no speed limit sign on that road, so I am sure some people drive 55+mph, making it difficult to stop suddenly.


May 30, 2005
redneck heaven
Time for a trip down to home depot for a bucket o tile grout, one of those trowels with the grooves in it, and wait for the new moon!

Did you notice that SJ's newest froggie avatar (frog on frosted window) looks a lot like a witch riding a broomstick? That is, if you've out at a bar all night babysitting a very drunk friend who has had a major loss. I have been sober for a few years now and drink only club soda with a twist of lime (verrry good!) and I usually don't go out to bars, but the dad-burn Iraq war took yet another close hero and they were having a send off - yep, crying in the beer - and I just had to be there for them! Anyway this morning after pouring my old friend into that half-empty bed, transferring supervision to the next victim, and pouring myself a HUGE cup of coffee, I did notice that the avatar does look like a witch riding a broomstick.
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