SHARKS? Well, that should keep me awake. I hate to say but most of the times we go flying I fall asleep in five minutes flat. My husand gets so insulted! When you think of it, though, the drone of the engine, the sun beaming down on you a thousand or so feet closer than it usually's a natural thing to doze off!

But shark sightings might do the trick.
Cil, my daughter wants to learn how to fly, too, but like your son, she's still working on getting her driver's license. I actually think she might be a better pilot than a driver, so I'm encouraging her. This was a scene from yesterday's driving episode:
Daughter: At the wheel, at a red light, wanting to turn Left. Saying "...can I make a left turn on red?"
Mother: In passenger seat, trying not to have heart attack. Saying "...don't move! don't move!"
Daughter: Nonplussed. Saying "...don't worry Mama, I was only thinking out loud."
If this is what she's thinking when she's thinking out loud, what is she thinking when I can't hear her???????
I'm thinking she might be safer in the wide blue skies where there are no traffic lights, that's what I'm thinking.