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Beach Lover
Oct 8, 2007
I agree 100% with Chickpea. I would definately look at builders construction and even interview the builders. And bid the job to the top 3 builders that you feel most comfortable with. There are several good builders out there, but there are also several with a lot of BAGGAGE.


Beach Lover
Oct 8, 2007
I agree 100% with Chickpea. I would definately look at builders construction and even interview the builders. And bid the job to the top 3 builders that you feel most comfortable with. There are several good builders out there, but there are also several with a lot of BAGGAGE.


Beach Fanatic
Mar 1, 2006
Seagrove Beach
I would call Tom Christ. My next door neighbors house was designed by him and the house was on HGTV and the cover of Southern Accents.


Beach Fanatic
Jan 30, 2007
Looking for some suggestions on architects and builders for a house in Watercolor. Looking to get started on plans soon and build thereafter. Any input would be helpful. Have a couple in mind but looking at all custom home builders. This is a personal home not a spec house. Thanks in advance and love the site. Been coming to 30a since late 80's. Can't wait until our family has a home there.

Want someone different?


Ram, my Hubby, knows Chad and Company personally. Truly a superb artiste of the single family home, his favorite thing to do.

Second comment. Build as evergreen as possible, with as much in advanced home automation, this will guarantee your future resale capabilitiy and security (if you are an absenetee Owner or not). Email our friends at Hera pomeheratek@gmail.comgranate , just drop the pomegranate, they have technical abilities for your home that would astound!!


Beach Fanatic
Jan 30, 2007
There are many talented architects in the area and like builders, many would love a private commission. Absolutely check out references but drive around and make a note of what you are drawn to and what architectural elements resonate with you.

Same for builders - BID your project - you are currently in the driver's seat (this was NOT the case a couple of years ago when you had to beg and plead to get a builder to look at a set of plans, let alone bid!) - costs have come down quite a bit, subs and contractors are hungry for work and you are in a good negotiating position!
Why Ms. Chickpea, what loverly advice. In a pup eat pup competitive world, your demeanor is praiseworthy! :clap:

If I may be so rude, may I interject that while bidding is a very positive concept, be certain the bids are covering the exact same specifications and that the lowest bid may not necessarily be the best choice.


Beach Fanatic
Dec 15, 2005
30-A Corridor
Why Ms. Chickpea, what loverly advice. In a pup eat pup competitive world, your demeanor is praiseworthy! :clap:

If I may be so rude, may I interject that while bidding is a very positive concept, be certain the bids are covering the exact same specifications and that the lowest bid may not necessarily be the best choice.

You are not being rude at all - very smart comment - and the best way to guard against that is by hiring a good architect who will submit a complete set of drawings and full specs so as to leave nothing unaddressed and no wiggle room for those dreaded change orders.

and BTW: Chad is an EXCELLENT architect!!!!


Beach Fanatic
Apr 2, 2007
All over the place
You are not being rude at all - very smart comment - and the best way to guard against that is by hiring a good architect who will submit a complete set of drawings and full specs so as to leave nothing unaddressed and no wiggle room for those dreaded change orders.

and BTW: Chad is an EXCELLENT architect!!!!

There was some yap on a thread, public contracts or something like that, where many of us commented on the value of a complete set of plans and specs plus a STRONG contract to protect both the buyer AND the contractor. I do this for a living and it cannot be stressed strongly enough the value of a clearly defined project. Change orders to a contractor are like blood to a shark. Not the fault of the contractor (Or the shark), but it is just the nature of the beast.

Select EVERYTHING before you start and then don't change anything unless you absolutely, positively have to.

Matt J

May 9, 2007
A competent architect will generally gather bids for you. That is my experience though.
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