Several months ago, I contacted the appropriate people to have a sign added to the directory sign at the end of 83. It was approved, or so I thought it was. So I moved forward with a local sign company (who printed several of the other signs). I paid $160+ and was told that my sign would be up the next day. Several days went by and still no sign. I called, texted, emailed. Still nothing. Finally I reached the person who was going to install the sign. They told me that another business came and put up a sign in the spot that was available, before they could install my sign. Then they told me that they were sorry, but they could not refund my money. (Uh, no way...I finally worked this out with the owner and ended up using it as a store credit!)
Loooong story short...we never were able to put up a sign. I called the county and several others who told me that all businesses on those signs were in violation and would be asked to remove their individuals signs in the coming months. I asked why, after 10 years, did they have to do this and they explained to me that it was a DOT thing. And several other reasons that, honestly, made no sense! They also mentioned that any business that was in a "complex" was to put up one general sign to direct customers to all of the shops.
We opened our business on 30A in BMB over a year ago. We could have really used some traffic from 98 to help boost our growth. Small businesses need options. Not saying a handout, but just honest options. When our businesses thrive, so does 30A/SRB/Walton County. We are a local family who owns several small businesses. I promise you that every bit of our profit is poured back into our beloved town. But we cannot continue to operate successfully with strict rules, unfair actions and little support. Making money only the 4-5 busy months out of an entire year is honestly very difficult. As simple as it sounds, traffic from 98 really would make a difference and the signs there only help send those people to our stores!
We, too, want to open up another business along 30A. But the way things are going, it doesn't look like we will anytime soon. Instead of focusing on issues that have been overlooked for years, how about help keep the businesses open on 30A/surrounding areas. Geez!