We’re in the middle of our move here after years of visiting. A couple weeks ago, we went to Ed Walline and was shocked to see people essentially penned in (or maybe out would be a better term) like cattle for their beach access. This was the first time I’ve seen that there. I’ve seen the signs at Dune Allen though.
We just mosied past them and put our umbrella close to the water with no-one questioning us. In layman’s terms what are the rules? I’ll follow the rules but don’t want anyone to come up with their own version either.
Thanks, Randy
Welcome to South Walton Florida! It's a great place to live, work, raise your family and enjoy the beautiful beaches, towns, restaurants and shops, and the extensive natural surroundings from beach to bay. As locals we never tire of exploring our preserved state parks and forests which make up more than 40% of South Walton lands. Including some of the most beautiful beaches anywhere. Be sure to visit our state park! Also, locals who love the beaches learn where and when to get out and enjoy it.
Walton County is in the legal process of making our beaches open to everyone. It's a battle and not sure how long it will take but we will prevail. Meanwhile, explore the public beach accesses and make sure to visit Grayton Beach State Park and Topsail Hill Preserve State Park.
We do live in a very popular and sometimes overwhelmingly crowded tourist destination. Seasonal tourism is nearly year round these days. Lots of changes over time but hardcore locals are very resilient and adapt their habits accordingly. Good luck!