For people who advertise through VRBO or other sites like that and have repeat guests, it's not that much of a challenge with the BRSW/Sterling website being down right now (other than I can't access the online calendar myself to see if the cottages are booked - fortunately, it's still early enough in the season so that i can assume there's a lot of availability; I call BRSW every now and then to see what weeks are booked so I can let people who contact me through VRBO know). Frankly, I got 95% of my business through VRBO, not BRSW. I'm hoping Sterling with change that. I was impressed with how they handled the change-over initially. So far, things seem fine other than the website (though that's a big thing). If they get the new and improved website up within a month, I'll consider that quite a successful move on their part, especially if the website is inviting, kept up to date, and easy to use.
I'm very much hoping that Sterling is a success with BRSW.