This whole thing is rooted in LA politics that go back to the Longs, severance tax on natural resources, and the sense of "entitlement" that many in LA grew up with. I was raised there, am really old and remember how things were and how they got to the point that they are in now. Before my mother died 8 years ago, she was mad that her property taxes on a very nice house had gone up to $135 annually.
Sure, geography has much to do with the problems that LA, and particularly NO has, but with all the money that has been squandered in that state, there is much that could have been done to mitigate the effects of a big storm.
Read the hisotry books, see the old movie "Blaze" and talk to some old timers.
I apologize for the soap box, but it really pi$$e$ me off that a lot of what has happened to the people could have been easily avoided.
I think that the Brennans are simply trying to go where the $ are, and to some extent, can't blame them. but...........
Good night, Chet
Good night, David