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Beach Fanatic
Jun 20, 2005
It's not just wealthy people who have bought recently, it's hidden money, LLCs, investment groups, foreigners, and money launderers.
Another credible post from my favorite cat person...lumping LLCs, investment groups and foreigners in the same basket as money launderers as somehow the first 3 must be illegal or nefarious because Jenksy says so.

I normally don't bother acknowledging Jenksy but this post goes too far and I'm certain that everyone can see that. So I don't know why I bothered pointing it out. Maybe my subconscious is telling me Jenksy and mputnal have made a bet with each other who can submit the nuttiest posts and shut down the thread. Heck, it might be working.


Beach Fanatic
Nov 10, 2009
BMBV it seems that you may be missing something in terms of who I believe are winners and losers in all of this. BTW what category do you think that elite wealth has you a member of? Hint: it is not a winner. I think you just look at the paragraph but not the meaning of the words.

RG, FBB, SCJ and SV believe that all of us are in one of those two categories. It is the way they think. It is what they believe. They are two dimensional. They are completely disconnect from the real world of where you and I live. They simply say what you want to here and you listen. I did also at first but then I started picking up on their real message which is that they believe we are all a just a bunch of losers who are easily manipulated with words. You ate it and liked it. I only had to smell it to know that it looks like something good to eat but looks are deceiving.

So let me spell this out for you, the power brokers care about ONE thing: POWER. They only respect money. Not you and I or anyone or anything else. The purpose in this thread was to seek out locals that will eat their BS pie. I am surprised that you keep eating it.

Very sorry to explain this to you so that you understand but apparently you don't catch on quickly. I believe the winners are people who are not perfect and KNOW they are not perfect. People who are kind and thoughtful and caring of not only their family but their neighbors. I have read the first post several times and realized they are only words meant to draw us in like a herd of lambs. These power brokers believe that The People are members of their dominion and they want to keep it that way. A few CU activist went a little too far in disrespecting them (I now understand why) and made the whole group a target. I now support anyone or any group that stands up to this sicking abuse of power.

The only reason why I keep posting on this deceptive thread is because I stupidly believe that all humans have something in common. My theory is probably wrong but I keep trying.


Beach Fanatic
Jun 20, 2005
BTW what category do you think that elite wealth has you a member of? Hint: it is not a winner.
CU activists call me rich and greedy and then you say I’m not a winner as judged by “elite wealth” (concluding I’m not wealthy enough).

Damn, I just can’t win.

And all of this judgement is because I bought a private beach front property almost 20 years ago for a little over $100,000 utilizing a mortgage? And all I want is to protect my private property rights just like you and anyone else who own private property.

SOMEBODY SLAP ME if I ask mputnal what time it is.


Beach Fanatic
Jun 20, 2005
So I was thumbing through the county customary suit and saw hundreds of references to PDF and JPG files (documents and pictures). Does anybody know if these are accessible by the general public?


Beach Fanatic
Nov 10, 2009
BMBV, do we agree that it is always five o'clock somewhere :) Might need a beverage to read whats below!

We are all capitalist in this country and most do not want what somebody else has unless they earn it...fairly. And, yes the nature of humans wanting free stuff is also a truth. I know of strict capitalist that give their kids everything so what example does that teach. In many ways we are all hypocritical at times. My words might seem confusing because it is not one way or the highway. I think CU has an important benefit to society especially when the resource is being limited by building on the sand dunes.

Capitalism is a good economic principle of market dynamics but it has flaws. Corporate greed is a problem. Unequal distribution of resources is a problem. I believe that you have to have a fair and reasonable regulatory system as a check and balance otherwise CEO's will pay themselves gobs of money, destroy the environment or like in this case monopolize resources. This is just common sense and not marxist or socialist like the BS pie that the power brokers want you to believe. This is about an abuse of power which is a flaw of ALL economic and political systems. Wealth indeed hoards resources in all economic systems.

Capitalism gives the poor the greatest opportunity to move up. Socialism has some advantages as well when it comes to the sick, the elderly and those that have catastrophic events happen to them. Government does a decent job of administering social security and medicare. Our healthcare system is not working before Obama and post Obama but that is another issue. Our regulatory system is not working primarily for small business (which is the backbone of our economy). Because wealth has legislative influence there are loop holes for big business. I am a capitalist and a realist and if that means I am a socialist then yes I am.

The power brokers are distracting you into thinking that CU is "I just want free stuff" entitlement theory. I am surprised they recently used that phrase "entitlement theory" instead of socialism. I think it means that they are aware of The People's political interest in Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren's economic platform. Customary Use is more conservative than you might think. It has traditional principles. It has legal precedent but speaking for myself I do not think it can stand up to Constitutional Law. I also think the recent court ruling will have an effect on the lawsuit between the BFO's and The People (representative democracy). But only if the county attorney can link customary use to the approval process of beach property development.

I edited a lot here to keep it short but I wanted you to understand that just because I or anyone supports CU it does not mean that we are against capitalism or the Constitution. You might even say we have some things in _________(you know that C word).


Beach Fanatic
Jun 20, 2005
Are you now patronizing me because you now understand that I purchased private beach front property for just over a hundred thousand dollars with the “help” of a mortgage? And now we might have things in common? If we do, one wouldn’t know it based on your rants.

You consistently play both sides of this CU issue but rarely address core issues associated with CU. You even admit that CU probably won’t stand up to Constitutional law. Wait a minute....WE DO HAVE SOMETHING IN COMMON!

Actually, IMO, your posts are quite taxing, unless one loves elite wealthism conspiracy theories on the Redneck Riviera or one loves having general political and socioeconomic smoke blown up one’s rear orifice in a thread specific to CU. I suggest starting a new thread sans CU for those issues that are near and dear to your heart.

OTOH, this thread, again IMHO, has more than adequately shone a very bright light on the antics of pro-CU activists with the help of some very smart people (who you title as wealthy elite). As a matter of fact, I have noticed a drop in all the shallow personal attacks on BFOs and blatant mistruths from people and groups like Florida Beaches for All (not just here on SoWal). And at least to that end, Reggie’s thread has been a positive one.


Beach Comber
Mar 27, 2018
I say we all meet for a cup of coffee and listen and respect one another. Regardless of which side we are on. Maybe once we actually "talk it out". We can then better understand one another via an online message board? Coffee anyone?


Beach Fanatic
Nov 10, 2009
BMBV you left the door wide open for a reply to the 3rd paragraph of you last post so we should both thank Lisa24 for her inspirational and community spirited post. Thank you Lisa24! You saved me from myself :)
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