Live debate update: Looks like bmbv is a no show.
You have this delusion that you think I’ve inserted myself into this debate challenge.
FACTS (truth)
Dave is the chairman of Florida Beaches for All (FBFA).
FBFA is a co-plaintiff with the County suing over 1100 parcels representing SEVERAL THOUSAND private property owners.
Reggie starts this thread, the one you said you had posted the last post on this subject, BTW.
Dave Rauschkolb criticizes Reggie for not using “real” name (as if that makes a difference).
Reggie challenges Dave to a live debate because of all the continued non-sense along with smoke and mirrors being perpetuated by Dave and FBFA, which Dave leads.
I totally concur that this would be a great fundraiser for charity.
What’s obvious is obvious. You fully know that David Rauschkolb doesn’t have it in him to debate Reggie in a live forum. I’ll say it again, Dave is good on stage when there’s a one way conversation.
If I were Dave, I would be offended by your posts. That is, you also don’t believe in Dave’s debating skills, regarding CU on a level playing field. That’s why you’re blowing smoke by arbitrarily injecting me into the debate instead of Dave and then say I’m a “no show”. All of this to take the light off of your prestigious leader of FBFA, Dave, who refuses to EVEN ACKNOWLEDGE Reggie’s challenge - MUCH LESS accept it.