Innocent question for those journalists in the know: When Tom McLaughlin writes an article and the Walton Sun publishes it, who has editorial control over the associated "File Photos" that are inserted within the
ONLINE article itself? The print version does not have this absurd photo. I just can't believe I'm seeing the same old lie, mistruth, propaganda, misunderstading (call it what you will) about the multiple quiet titles in Old Blue Mountain Beach subdivision in the exact same form in this article as was in the other ONLINE article regarding the "2nd" judge's order YET AGAIN! And the point again being that the reddish shaded area directly
behind the home labeled "Public beach"
WAS NEVER EVER PUBLIC BEACH. And the proponents of this have been called out and corrected over and over.
That's when it becomes an intentional lie, not an honest mistake. The Walton Sun should feel complete and utter shame for this, apologize and issue an immediate retraction. And I won't dignify the "No additional taxes are levied for the additional piece of land...." nonsense.
Could the image below just simply be politically motivated to make Huckabee look bad at all costs including the newspaper's reputation? Regardless, at the risk of sounding repetitive, I'm shining another light on the
LIE. And I'll try to expose the
LIE each time the Walton Sun publishes such information.
Below is a screen shot of that part of the 2nd
online article with the same image: