@FloridaBeachBum, your post #523 regarding Tona-Roma and all was VERY informative. Thank you for the time and effort to pull it together.
Personally, I think DR is laughing very nervously with his “Ha ha...” malarkey.
I believe CU will fail (there, I said it) and I think DR is starting to realize it as well.
The title of this thread will live on, one way or another, either because of all the animosity from the “public” toward private property owners if CU fails OR because we become a Destin or Panama City because of unleashed growth due to CU prevailing.
And I thought DR said he wasn’t responding to posters who don’t use their real name. What gives?
Regarding using real names....this from Teresa:
“In forums you don't have to use real names though many of us have changed our forum names to our real names over time. It's a personal choice. Lots of our original members are still called by their original forum names even in real life. All good peeps. Where's River Otter?”.
Apparently DR disagrees.