Understand owners have NO rights below MHWL ( per their Deeds) also Vendors can't just set up on public ( all SOWAL beach ARE PUBLIC below MHWL) except when signs say Vendor Zone..So if an owner gives permission to a vendor setting up in their backyard,IT CANNNOT BE SOUTH OF MHWL...PERIOD.......BEACH ENFORCEMENT WILL ENFORCE.?I and my husband did our homework before purchasing any thing on 30-A. My DEED reads my property goes to the MHWL. So who's paying/reimbursing me for my property tax for "customary use" of my deeded private property? I don't think chairs umbrellas and tents will last the whole day without getting in some waves and water(below MHWL). Which means they'll be on my property to stay dry.
Do you know EXACTLY where the MHWL is today? Or where it was when you bought your property? You will need a current (not more than 1 yr. old) topographical survey to show exactly how much of your deeded private property people are on.I and my husband did our homework before purchasing any thing on 30-A. My DEED reads my property goes to the MHWL. So who's paying/reimbursing me for my property tax for "customary use" of my deeded private property? I don't think chairs umbrellas and tents will last the whole day without getting in some waves and water(below MHWL). Which means they'll be on my property to stay dry.
Do you know EXACTLY where the MHWL is today? Or where it was when you bought your property? You will need a current (not more than 1 yr. old) topographical survey to show exactly how much of your deeded private property people are on.
Apparently an awful lot of folks were sold fraudulent deeds.
Beach lovers believe the beach belongs to everyone and no one and that's that.Below the line is everyone's. Understood , above the line is not if it's part of your TAXED property. AND YES when we purchased in 2001 we knew where the line was. Had the "survey " done before putting down the payment. And yes we know it moves.
DO those who are coming thru and setting up camp KNOW where the MHWL line is? And what was it ?..15' from the dunes?
May see a lot of surveys done this year.
Bob Bob may need to prove his hypothesis to those who are in buildings built in 1985 and earlier.