FloridaBeach Bum, I respect your opinion and do not fault you for standing up for what you believe. But you go way too far and flat out misstate and misrepresent the views and opinions of others to try and defend your position. I for one have never said that customary use applies in any way to bay front property or any other property except the white sandy beach on the gulf. The only reason I believe that the narrow strip of white sand falls under customary use is that in fact the public has used it to walk, sunbathe and fish as far back as anyone can remember. Period. As you so frequently point out, that is a very narrow legal doctrine and absolutely cannot be applied to 99.9% of the real property in Walton County. To say otherwise is to attempt to use scare tactics to further your position.
Thanks Danny. The point is the legal doctrine of custom does not just apply to beachfront property. I’m not a lawyer but I have read the legal briefs and history of custom. Common law custom has been claimed in many other legal areas; contracts, family, and intellectual property laws using the same criteria as property.
No scare tactics. Why can’t custom be claimed on 99.9% of Walton waterfront properties like beachfront? What is unique about beachfront, except people’s desire to have it relative to other waterfront properties? Why couldn’t the Walton BCC claim custom on lakefront or riverfront properties? Because it is less desirable than beachfront? What about inland property that has “customarily” been used for hunting? You have not claimed custom applies to any other property except beachfront -- but why couldn’t you use the same justification to make a claim of custom on non-beachfront properties?
The claim of customary rights of who gets to use other people’s personal property is a slippery slope and erosion of Constitutionally protected rights. I for one do not trust this or future Walton BCC commissioners to limit custom to just the beaches if they can get away with this claim of custom.
I also want others, like Gumby, who may not own beachfront property, to put themselves in the beachfront owners shoes and to have a little sense of what it’s like from a beachfront owner’s perspective. Many beachfront owners are like us (like the Goodwins) who have been around for many decades, who aren’t “rich” or greedy or selfish (not your words but the BCC and others) but lucky when we bought our waterfront properties at “affordable prices” decades ago, struggle to pay Walton property taxes, and just want our property rights to be respected like yours and other waterfront owners.