Kurt - Just what is "sargassum grass"? We have seen various types of seaweed in Seagrove and don't know what any of it is. Thanks!!

Ocean Lover said:Wow, very interesting. Is there more on beach than usual?
Snapper Grabber said:Kurt, your knowledge about the environment of the Gulf is very impressive. Does it come from being a SoWal native? You seem to know everything!
Sea Star said:Thanks, Kurt. I have seen the sargassum, just didn't know what it was. The air chambers remind me of the water hyacinths we have in our pond. The leaves of the plant grow from a large bubble-like part of the plant that keeps it afloat. Where do the little sticks with the knots on the ends come from? We find those on the beach a lot, and they are really quite interesting.