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Beach Fanatic
Jun 20, 2005
So I took a walk the other day to see what all the umbrella talk was about at BMB Regional Access, The first thing I noticed was all the beach service chairs and umbrellas that monopolized the eastern third to half of the public beach. Normally not an issue except most of these setups were not even used and the rest of the beach was getting a little crowded. That doesn't necessary imply the empty seats were not paid for but I don't know for sure. Again, the occupancy rate was relative low. This is public beach space that the typical visitor who walks up with their own setup cannot use.

Some would argue this makes some of the tourists happy which brings in more money and so on. So the average family on a limited budget has to compete for space against the beach service for room on a public beach.

My personal feeling is that one should not be able to "buy a front row seat" at a public beach, period.

Some, of course, would argue this point but they probably have a financial interest in the beach service business on public beaches.

However (and currently), via a single vendor, there are more than enough beach setups directly adjacent to the public access in front of the "4 white homes" FOR USE BY THE PUBLIC located on their private property. Apparently the owners have allowed a beach vendor to vend on their private property to the PUBLIC. This is great news if you are a visitor and want beach service. Just walk up, pay the fee, sit down and enjoy the beach. You're getting private beach and chair service for the price of just chair service alone...that's a good deal in my book. Disclosure: I have absolutely no financial interest in this situation...I don't even know the vendors involved.

If beach vending is eliminated at the BMB Regional Access, this would obviously relieve a lot of the pressure from the public part of the access by freeing up the entire beach to those visitors who provide "self service" umbrellas and chairs.

I only see one loser in this scenario...the vendor(s) for the public beach but read further on how the displaced vendor(s) could benefit.

What a novel idea....private property owners allowing the public to use private beach via beach service!!

The county can't solve all the issues in one fell swoop, but this is definitely a situation where a little common sense at this location would benefit all involved.

Who knows, maybe other private property owners will join in and replicate this arrangement at other accesses especially if the county gets behind it. Maybe the displaced vendor(s) replicates this model at another crowded access. Everybody wins! Of course, parking is still another issue - no nourishment or customary use will ever fix that, only planning (and money) by the BCC.

I tip my hat to the owners of the "4 white homes" and truly hope others are able to follow their lead, Who knows, maybe the Retreat can even see a financial benefit - "make money not war". :)

Hopefully the BCC, TDC and other private property owners are ahead on me on this topic.

Bob Wells

Beach Fanatic
Jul 25, 2008
So I took a walk the other day to see what all the umbrella talk was about at BMB Regional Access, The first thing I noticed was all the beach service chairs and umbrellas that monopolized the eastern third to half of the public beach. Normally not an issue except most of these setups were not even used and the rest of the beach was getting a little crowded. That doesn't necessary imply the empty seats were not paid for but I don't know for sure. Again, the occupancy rate was relative low. This is public beach space that the typical visitor who walks up with their own setup cannot use.

Some would argue this makes some of the tourists happy which brings in more money and so on. So the average family on a limited budget has to compete for space against the beach service for room on a public beach.

My personal feeling is that one should not be able to "buy a front row seat" at a public beach, period.

Some, of course, would argue this point but they probably have a financial interest in the beach service business on public beaches.

However (and currently), via a single vendor, there are more than enough beach setups directly adjacent to the public access in front of the "4 white homes" FOR USE BY THE PUBLIC located on their private property. Apparently the owners have allowed a beach vendor to vend on their private property to the PUBLIC. This is great news if you are a visitor and want beach service. Just walk up, pay the fee, sit down and enjoy the beach. You're getting private beach and chair service for the price of just chair service alone...that's a good deal in my book. Disclosure: I have absolutely no financial interest in this situation...I don't even know the vendors involved.

If beach vending is eliminated at the BMB Regional Access, this would obviously relieve a lot of the pressure from the public part of the access by freeing up the entire beach to those visitors who provide "self service" umbrellas and chairs.

I only see one loser in this scenario...the vendor(s) for the public beach but read further on how the displaced vendor(s) could benefit.

What a novel idea....private property owners allowing the public to use private beach via beach service!!

The county can't solve all the issues in one fell swoop, but this is definitely a situation where a little common sense at this location would benefit all involved.

Who knows, maybe other private property owners will join in and replicate this arrangement at other accesses especially if the county gets behind it. Maybe the displaced vendor(s) replicates this model at another crowded access. Everybody wins! Of course, parking is still another issue - no nourishment or customary use will ever fix that, only planning (and money) by the BCC.

I tip my hat to the owners of the "4 white homes" and truly hope others are able to follow their lead, Who knows, maybe the Retreat can even see a financial benefit - "make money not war". :)

Hopefully the BCC, TDC and other private property owners are ahead on me on this topic.
Old topic, started under new thread.


SoWal Guide
Staff member
Nov 15, 2004
South Walton, FL
Really don't like having to see empty lines of chairs and umbrellas on any beach, public or private. Unless it's a resort with many guests who will definitely be using the setups throughout the day, as has always been customary. Kind of expected at a resort beach and if you want lines of chairs then you stay there. But that's just me. Apparently vendors are taking over beautiful stretches of beaches anywhere they can.
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Beach Fanatic
Jan 10, 2013
So I took a walk the other day to see what all the umbrella talk was about at BMB Regional Access, The first thing I noticed was all the beach service chairs and umbrellas that monopolized the eastern third to half of the public beach. Normally not an issue except most of these setups were not even used and the rest of the beach was getting a little crowded. That doesn't necessary imply the empty seats were not paid for but I don't know for sure. Again, the occupancy rate was relative low. This is public beach space that the typical visitor who walks up with their own setup cannot use.

Some would argue this makes some of the tourists happy which brings in more money and so on. So the average family on a limited budget has to compete for space against the beach service for room on a public beach.

My personal feeling is that one should not be able to "buy a front row seat" at a public beach, period.

Some, of course, would argue this point but they probably have a financial interest in the beach service business on public beaches.

However (and currently), via a single vendor, there are more than enough beach setups directly adjacent to the public access in front of the "4 white homes" FOR USE BY THE PUBLIC located on their private property. Apparently the owners have allowed a beach vendor to vend on their private property to the PUBLIC. This is great news if you are a visitor and want beach service. Just walk up, pay the fee, sit down and enjoy the beach. You're getting private beach and chair service for the price of just chair service alone...that's a good deal in my book. Disclosure: I have absolutely no financial interest in this situation...I don't even know the vendors involved.

If beach vending is eliminated at the BMB Regional Access, this would obviously relieve a lot of the pressure from the public part of the access by freeing up the entire beach to those visitors who provide "self service" umbrellas and chairs.

I only see one loser in this scenario...the vendor(s) for the public beach but read further on how the displaced vendor(s) could benefit.

What a novel idea....private property owners allowing the public to use private beach via beach service!!

The county can't solve all the issues in one fell swoop, but this is definitely a situation where a little common sense at this location would benefit all involved.

Who knows, maybe other private property owners will join in and replicate this arrangement at other accesses especially if the county gets behind it. Maybe the displaced vendor(s) replicates this model at another crowded access. Everybody wins! Of course, parking is still another issue - no nourishment or customary use will ever fix that, only planning (and money) by the BCC.

I tip my hat to the owners of the "4 white homes" and truly hope others are able to follow their lead, Who knows, maybe the Retreat can even see a financial benefit - "make money not war". :)

Hopefully the BCC, TDC and other private property owners are ahead on me on this topic.

I was SO agreeing with you until you confused me with this:

I tip my hat to the owners of the "4 white homes" and truly hope others are able to follow their lead,

Doesn't appear to follow your early remarks? You realize if More owners sign away their beach rights to these beach cops(aka vendors) this will make more Private beach areas and even less for the public?

Also the vendor mention behind those 4 homes has also secured the only vendor rights behind the Peto-Bismal
(Pink) house just to the east of cross over.

He also will be raising Front Row Seat prices this summer ( his words). He also last week told a first time Redfish Village renter that ,"Redfish Beach wasn't renting yet that morning,but she could rent from him,behind pink house to the east for $25/day".
She told ALL this to my wife!! She wasn't happy because Redfish Village guest rent for $20 on their property.

This guy knew that but he still lied to her. It's a dog eat dog world in the beach vendor business. Most visitors do not know the rules so they believe the LIES these beach vendors spew.

I'm on this beach daily ( we have probably seen each other walking ) some where and said good morning to each other. We have opinions as does everyone.
I have just post what I know to be as factual as I can about our great,and mostly less crowded BMB.

I received an email late last night from one of our BCC members .. paraphrased:
This has become a huge,expensive,and divisive issue with serious consequences to all of Walton.BCC exploring options, stay tune. ( again paraphrased and shortened)
Let's all be civil ,it's really hard to debate on this forum.


Beach Lover
Feb 5, 2016
As a new homeowner to the area and BMB access being the access we use, we were completely disappointed a couple months ago, to arrive at the beach and see all of the vendor umbrellas in prime spots that were almost always unused!!!

We think it would be fair if the beach vendors not set up chairs until they have paying customers to use those spots. That way its first come first serve. Of course that would mean a vendor would have to sit and wait for customers, but so be it.

We hope this gets resolved soon...

John G

Beach Fanatic
Jul 16, 2014
I agree! "No set up, til they show up"

I think 99% of people posting here and in all of SoWal for that matter agree with you.

The problem is our Elected Officials do not. Vote them all out. Be sure you know who has ties to beach vendors when you do vote.

The elimination of the vendors would solve most of the problems.


Beach Fanatic
Jan 21, 2005
Louisville KY
So, when we visit again...counting down...if we see 'our' beach covered with a row of rentals, what should we do?
I'm tempted to use them until I am asked to move/pay.
Or set up in front of the empty ones/those w/o reserved signs/names?
Our biggest problem last trip (Oct. 2015) was nouveau riche 30 somethings from Knoxville who stayed drunk the whole week and let everyone know that 'they were Seaside homeowners'.
I sometimes dread my visits because of the forum comments.
Usually everything works out. We did move ourselves to the other end of 'our beach' while they were there. They thought it was appropriate to stand in front of us and behind us and throw a football over us. They were of course hoping we would move from our 'prime' spot. I let them intimidate us last year but next time, I'm looking for security. We found out they had everyone fired up at our end of the beach. (I think a local bartender got some revenge. They wanted all top shelf drinks and he presented them with a $500 or so tab:)


John G

Beach Fanatic
Jul 16, 2014
So, when we visit again...counting down...if we see 'our' beach covered with a row of rentals, what should we do?
I'm tempted to use them until I am asked to move/pay.
Or set up in front of the empty ones/those w/o reserved signs/names?
Our biggest problem last trip (Oct. 2015) was nouveau riche 30 somethings from Knoxville who stayed drunk the whole week and let everyone know that 'they were Seaside homeowners'.
I sometimes dread my visits because of the forum comments.
Usually everything works out. We did move ourselves to the other end of 'our beach' while they were there. They thought it was appropriate to stand in front of us and behind us and throw a football over us. They were of course hoping we would move from our 'prime' spot. I let them intimidate us last year but next time, I'm looking for security. We found out they had everyone fired up at our end of the beach. (I think a local bartender got some revenge. They wanted all top shelf drinks and he presented them with a $500 or so tab:)



Here is what I would do next time you visit. When you find the beach covered with UNRENTED Beach Chair Set Ups and you wish to use the spot where the UNRENTED Beach Chair Set Up is located, I would very nicely, pick up the set ups and move them aside so that you can use your beach. Set up your own chairs and enjoy the day.

I would also have your cell phone video turned on at the time and if a vendor approaches you, let them know, politely, that you have your phone on and its recording (there is no expectation of privacy on the beach, but its nice to let people know you are recording them in advance. It eliminates issues later...).

If the vendor gives you a hard time, ask him to prove to you that the UNRENTED set up is actually rented and not a Ghost Set Up (Vendor term). IF they are a reasonable and respectable vendor, they should have no issue providing this to you and then, you should in fact, relocate and say; "I'm sorry for the confusion..." or something similar.

IF the don't show you proof of become hostile, politely suggest that they call the Sheriff's Office @ 850-892-8186 for assistance.

Also remember, its important to have your phone on when you are very nicely and carefully moving the UNRENTED set ups to prove to the deputy that you didn't do anything malicious or that could cause damage when the vendor says that you did.

If everyone did this, we would have very few future issues. I understand, SOME of the vendors can be intimidating, but that's why you CYA and have your video.

If any of them are foolish enough to act unprofessionally to a tourist, you can bet that video will get on YouTube and into the hands of the TDC, where their vending permit can be revoked.

Kindness goes a long way. Smile too.

Sorry it's come to this...
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