Maybe I'm living in the dark ages here in the Midwest, but the idea of fish and tacos together sounds disgusting to me! I've seen it on menus in the South and in Mexico, but I've never known anyone who's actually eaten them. Maybe it's a taste you have to acquire?
But then again, I can't stand the idea of sushi, raw oysters and I don't like seafood in my gumbo either. I love lobster, crablegs, tilapia, shrimp, etc. but I like them cooked in the traditional way(s).
On another note, different but still on the subject of food....I've been reading and hearing recently about a disgusting black market on horse meat! Apparently it's a delicacy in some countries - France, the Netherlands, Japan, Belgium. Horse are sometimes stolen and then sold for around $300 - $400 each; they're then shipped off to countries who regularly sell it in their butcher shops. One politician tearily described how two of his Tennessee Walking Horses had been stolen and when the perpitrators were found, they admitted selling them to a slaughterhouse. Another young girl described waking up on her 13th birthday to find her horse missing. Turns out a relative had stolen the horse overnight and sold it to a slaughterhouse for $325. Another man sold two of his horses to a slaughterhouse because they had bad legs, and he said "$325 each at least recoups some of my money".
What a jerk! If a horse is in pain, etc., it should be put down humanely, not murdered! There is a group trying to get legislation to ban the slaughter of horses in this manner. Sorry for getting off on a tangent; I just read another article in todays St. Louis Post Dispatch and it got me riled up again!