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beach blessings

Beach Lover
Jan 9, 2008
It is great! Eight national Fishin Chix Members...13 Prospects! If you haven't checked it out... www.fishinchix.com , you need too!

We have scheduled some great events for April and May already! Our first Fishing Tournament will be on April 26th in Gulf Shores. We are putting together 2 teams from South Walton Group to do this and the other two Tournaments (Pensacola-June and Destin-September)! Sponsorships Available...

April we will have a fishing expert and a local chef to join us the 2nd Tues and the 4th Wed. Meeting places to be announced!

May among other things we will be going Pompano Fishing off the beach in Blue Mountain Beach! Yes Girls, we will catch our own sand flees too...need bait!

Thanks to all those who have stepped up and helped in making this a dream come true for many local women! Let's have fun, and raise money for a great cause!

If you haven't checked it out, again please do! It simply a great time among chix! We had our youngest yet tonight...10 years old, and yes a National Fishin Chix Member! :clap:
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