Everyone loves Chanticleer, even our furry friends!
That would make a grayt advertising slogan.
Everyone loves Chanticleer, even our furry friends!
Bears and deer are too cute to eat. Leave the cute animals alone.
Because it's something I am passionate about.Low Brow, why don't you just get off it? We understand your love of hunting and that is fine. There are those here who do not care to hunt. They are entitled to their opinion just as you are to yours.
No, this has been done and it's not effective and it is extremely expensive. One study I read averaged around $10,000 per animal.Question for my hunter friends who say that their hunting isn't about sport or trophy killing but rather about conservation. Would u support a systematic thinning of the populations by way of biologist/vet administered euthanasia and/or birth control?
I think to answer that question, you would have to remove man from the equation and it's not feasible.I think the question is... Is the bear population getting too big, OR is the population at a healthy level as planned and the bears are becoming a nuisance in certain areas?
I love to hunt. I enjoy every part of it. If you don't think hunting and conservation are one in the same, I don't know what to tell you. I spend thousands of dollars a year on habitat improvements for deer, ducks, turkey, and quail. As stated earlier, you can look no further than deer and turkey hunting programs and the success they have had rebuilding the populations.Jeff Mc,
Assuming the really was for me.
I don't have an issue with hunting. Moreso with rhetoric. I think I respect the admission that people like to hunt and are excited about the prospect of bagging a bear rather than arguing under the guise of conservation. Two cents.