steeleing1 said:Unfortunately, by the time I learned the dog's name and to whom he belonged, he was gone.
We took him to meet my sister who said she'd keep him until the owners were located, and as soon as he was out of the car he took off toward 30-A. After a slow chase and a fall from a 4 foot ledge (by me, not the dog), we got him back in the car and back to Seaside.
However, he wanted nothing to do with us by that point and began growling when we tried to get him back in the car to go home. So we let him stay exactly where he found me, around my office. There were found dog signs all over Seaside, and several people were feeding him there.
I know this is the same dog that castlesofsand wrote about, and I've left a message with the owner. I have not heard whether or not they have been reunited. He must be very confused by now. I tried to help, but I fear I have done more harm than good. We were all pretty worked up by the end of the evening; and I have the bruises to show.
Please let me know if you hear any more about Lucky.
OMG, I am so sorry!! What a trooper for mankind!! We had a sign outside our door with the lab on it. He was really sweet. Thanks for only takes a few to change the world.
HAHA I sound like such a hippie but I am the biggest prep!