Sure, a bigger majority don't wear seat belts in these modified LSV golf carts. but they're rolling around at 15 to 20 miles an hour, I would NOT wear a seat belt either myself. No point, I'll assume the risk, thank you, including the risk of a "ticket tax". As for drinking and driving, that's illegal but the harm to society of being typsy in an LSV is less than the typsy ladies who have three martinis and drive around in their tinted windowed gargantuan SUV's. Ask an insurance actuary, they're pretty good at modeling these risks looking both backward based on claims for injury liability, property damage etc.
Now as far as potential harm to self, you're probably better off and safer being typsy as many tourists are in your big LX 470 SUV, than you are in an LSV. potential harm to society, is probably statistically way lower however.
Allstate, State Farm etc., are fairly good predictors of risk, perhaps you should take your data to them, in case they havent' crunched the numbers and probabilities. As it stands it costs a fraction to insure an LSV than it does the other vehicles of choice that you prefer to be rolling around 30A.
Perhaps their extensive modeling of risk is way off. I think that they're probably close to the truth, which is that they are FAR SAFER on average, despite your pointing out your anecdotal observation that people have an open can of miller lite in the dash, and aren't wearing seat belts. Do you think ALLSTATE doesn't know this? If your version of risk is remotely accurate, than one thing we'll be sure to see is that rates on insuring LSV's will soar from current levels. Keep in mind, the insurers have been at this a while, and have been underwriting LSV's for years now, and they're actually in the business of making money. To make money, they have to underwrite fairly accurately, and invest the premiums.