This is a problem that seems to be getting better, but one that requires significant oversight by the management company to screen out losers. I continue to be amazed at parents who will rent a house with the understanding they must be there, then leave minors unsupervised with a huge stash of alcohol (that they often buy!). Then you see these people singing the blues on "Larry King Live" when there is a tragedy. Give me a break. My management company has been all over this in the past couple of years, I'm sure for fear of losing listings for rentals.
Fortunately, this has happened only twice in five years at my house. In one instance, I had all the disgusting evidence sent via special delivery mail to the parents. The parents were horrified and took appropriate action, including going to the college administration to identify kids other than theirs. And they paid for the extra cleanup and minor damage. The other offenders were arrogant to the end, claiming that their angels could not possibly have behaved badly, this in spite of the obvious evidence to the contrary. They will be future guests of Larry King, I guess.
Here's what to look out for...last-minute bookings during spring break periods. Contact person phone numbers that are cell phones. Deposits made by other than a credit card. Late check-ins where keys have to be left out rather than claimed by an adult at the management company. We have the management group send a letter requiring the guests to report how many adults, how many underage kids (and what ages) prior to arrival. Not fool-proof but gives you an idea of who you are dealing with. Refuse them entry without the form returned and check out handwriting.
At the far end of the spectrum, remember that it is still illegal for minors to consume alcohol in your property because it is not their private residence. In fact, a rental residence is considered a commercial property. You always have the option of going in there with a Sheriff's Deputy and arresting every underage person in your house. In fact, you will see how fast those parents burn up Hwy. 331 to get down there and bail out their babies if you do such a thing. Extreme? Maybe. So is having some kid end up in a wheelchair for life, with you paying, because they decided to dive off your third-floor deck into a 9-ft. swimming pool, fueled with too many Buds or Margaritas. Call me cold or call me wise, but I am done with irresponsible parents and sorry kids.