Wow - I just spent my Saturday afternoon watching the video of the planning commission meeting. I have to say I was so impressed and proud of all of those citizens and representatives who spoke in opposition to the Hampton Inn project. From Seagrove Baptist church representatives to neighborhood association presidents to urban planners to attorneys and, most importantly, residents of 30a communities and specifically Eastern Lake residents, many valid arguments were made. So sorry that the planning commission saw fit to pass it.
A great concern I have is that the County Commissioners will follow the advice of the Planning staff and the Planning Commission attorney (Mark ?) and automatically approve it as well because it meets the strict criteria (measurements) of the development policy of VMU. As Ms. Harris stated, is there never a time when the Planning Commission should use discernment to determine if a project should be approved? If not, just let the developer enter the project site plan, including number of proposed parking places, number and type of VMU buildings, height of light poles, traffic study findings, proposed drainage system, etc. into a software program and the screen will say "APPROVED" or "DENIED". No need for a Planning Commission or for a development proposal to go to the County Commission.
Sorry to sound cynical, but I just don't understand why citizens VALID concerns can't be taken into account!