1. I'm all for property rights but building something that lowers the surrounding property values contradicts that theory.
2. The hip hop guy just showed their racism. No black white conflict here. I listen to the music as well as all other types and hope people of every color and creed come visit.
3. This is a slippery slope. Letting a guy come in and put a black eye on 30A just because he is well connected is a big mistake. What is next? Can this guy open up a shooting range, pawn shops, tattoo parlors and strip clubs too as long as he can hire a lawyer that can argue his case.
4. To all these pro hotel development/property rights trolls on here, I would love to know where your primary residence is. Would you be in favor of pro property rights if I bought the property next door, set up a donkey, and started drilling for oil? How about if I started framing and your water caught on fire or your family got sick as a result? Something tells me the answer is no.
5. The Tom Thumb is a giant eye sore and a huge mistake. It's a cluster F×××. I drive by almost every day and it is way over congested, even in the off season. Just because one mistake was made doesn't mean we should make another.
The writing is on the wall. 30A is going to. Be way over congested by the time everything is built out but we should still strive to protect the integrity and the character of this very unique community
1.Not a troll because I use my name on here.
2.Taxpayer and someone who is going to be part of a large group who will foot the bill defending a decision whether it be right or wrong.
3. Own property North of 98 in Sowal and live in Freeport.
4. Not sure what color of someones skin has to do with anything, you all know its about the size of the wallet. because it is expensive to live and stay on 30A.
5. There are some and have been some small Mom and Pop type establishments located on 30A that are not guady. If you bought a donkey wouldn't have an issue would prefer goats and would pay a little to get you to cut my yard and fertilize it. Drilling for oil is apples and oranges, COME ON MAN/ WOMAN. I would certainly be concerned if you started FRAMING/ FRACKING.
6. Tom Thumb is a moot issue it is already there.
7. Finally, it is my sincere opinion that if you live on 30A and have lived less than 40 years you are part of the problem. I was delivering lumber in 1983 out of Fort Walton Beach. I remember when 98 was 2 lanes and 30A was just a road by the beach. 40 years is just an arbitrary number because I could have said if you and your family have not lived, owned etc etc then you are part of the problem.
I believe in property rights, I also believe controlled growth, development that fits the area but really the problem is that rather than be proactive we tend to be reactive when it comes to the NIMBY in us. I think stormwater runoff is going to be a killer, I think traffic is going to increase, I think beach access is going to suffer. Unless we change the rules, to limit these kind of issues, and make compatibility part of the discussion, we will always be behind the 8 ball, so to speak. Just my 30 cent worth.