Florida is a diverse state and many of its counties are extremely diverse as well. Walton is not the only county that contains both coastal and interior areas that are populated by very different groups of people with a wide variety of goals. Walton is certainly not unique in that these differences sometimes boil to the point that one group or the other wants a political divorce. At present some groups and leaders in South Florida wish to separate from the North and form their own state. The federal government is not going to allow that and state government is not going to allow the coast to split from the interior for a variety of reasons. So we might as well learn to work together and try to help each other.
I have long believed that what makes the coast better improves the interior and vice versa. It helps no one to harm the coast and kill the proverbial goose laying the proverbial golden eggs. But coastal residents screaming that this is ours and if you do not do what we want we will take our ball and go home does not help anyone. It makes those in the interior furious. Many who live in the north have roots here that go back generations and know that until very recently they and their ancestors paid the bills for the coast. Now it seems the golden goose they cared for all those years wants to deny the golden eggs to the farmer.
Just as bad are those who say that people who have long ties to this area are not smart enough to continue making decisions they have made for generations. Some "natives" believe that those moving in ruined their own home and are now coming here to ruin ours.
Those who have moved here have brought prosperity and and growth to the area. But there has been a cost that "natives" have paid as well. Many of the privileges that we grew up enjoying; in fact our entire way of life in some cases; has changed. When I was younger we could camp on the beach, drive from one end to the other, build bonfires while fishing all night, etc, etc. Some even forgot their clothing in certain areas of the beach now called Rosemary Beach. No one thought they "owned" the beach; we figured God owned it.
Change is going to happen. Whether it is good or bad totally depends on whether we can work together. "A rising tide floats all boats." If people would stop demanding and start explaining their position to others we can all move forward.