luvthebeach said:Excuse me, JB, but if my memory serves me right, it seems to me that a number of your posts have involved college football, etc. What exactly does this have to do with the Grayton Beach/South Walton area? I don't see where that's saying anything substantive about Grayton Beach? Personally I'm not that terribly interested in college football (sorry fans! ) but I respect the enthusiasm of those who do.
I personally enjoy reading the Otter and GraytonBound. Please don't try to speak for us all when you ask them to keep their thoughts to PM's and private e-mails. :nono1: Just as I don't read all of the threads if they don't interest me, you can easily skip over any that you don't care to read.
And by the many have many posts (many more than I), but apparently you haven't spent too much time reading the Otter and GraytonBound. I've only been on this site for a month, and even I've figured out that the Otter and GraytonBound know each other quite well! ;-)
LuvtheBeach, please excuse JB's old post. I think that one goes back a few months to a time when was branching off into JB has lightened up a bit since we enlightened him that the board was for all of South Walton, not just the facts regarding Grayton Beach. JB is now much more receptive to many topics being discussed, and I think he is a Red Elephant fan, no longer afraid to post his football comments on