The images at the beginning of this thread auto-update, the cone has not shifted west in awhile but keep an eagle eye on it. As of now looks like Irma will be a category one when it reaches our latitiude, with tropical storm force winds in SoWal with moderate rainfall. But rain totals are hard to predict, because of the way the rain bands and trains in cyclones.
latest local forecast: equivalent tropical storm force wind
- peak wind forecast: 30-40 mph with gusts to 50 mph
- window for tropical storm force winds: monday morning until monday afternoon
potential impacts: limited
- minor damage to frame built homes, limited primarily due to loss of roof shingles or gutters as well as damage to porches, awnings, carports and sheds. some mobile homes damaged. unsecured lightweight objects blown around.
- a few trees uprooted, with many large limbs snapped.
- isolated road closures due to fallen debris, especially in wooded areas.
- isolated power and communication outages.
* storm surge
- no storm surge inundation forecast