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RiverOtter said:
gotothebeachmom said:
Sorry :blush: But Not To Worry, No Otter will be seen in a Speedo :D

It's been my experience that those that shouldn't will. Those that could and should won't!

Thanks for letting me know you won't. Otherwise I would have thought every guy I saw on the beach in a Speedo might have been you.

By the way, our beach is looking pretty! We were down last weekend and things are really looking good. We are in Seacrest so our beach access is adjacent to High Pointe. (we share with Sunset Beach)

Both HOA's ponied up some $$$ to replenish our dune and replant the sea oats! Naturally, as someone mentioned earlier the kids were all trying to roll down them. Fresh sand I guess.

I hate to say things to other peoples children......but I did! Guess some folks just don't have a clue (or a place at the beach).
gotothebeachmom said:
RiverOtter said:
It's been my experience that those that shouldn't will. Those that could and should won't!

Thanks for letting me know you won't. Otherwise I would have thought every guy I saw on the beach in a Speedo might have been you.

LOL!! :laughing1
My older son spent last year in France teaching English. When he arrived, the weather was still very warm and he put on his bathing suit (you know, those long shorts that all young guys wear) and went down to the pool.
The lifeguard yelled at him and said he was not allowed in the pool with that kind of bathing suit.
They consider it unsanitary.
Our kid had to sheepishly leave the pool and go out and buy a Speedo. The thought of this was especially funny to us because he left the US probably 15-20 lbs overweight.
After a year on a Mediterranean diet he came back quite skinny, but he would not pose for us in his Speedo! :)


Beach Fanatic
gotothebeachmom said:
Naturally, as someone mentioned earlier the kids were all trying to roll down them. Fresh sand I guess.

I hate to say things to other peoples children......but I did! Guess some folks just don't have a clue (or a place at the beach).
Good for you. I can't help from saying something when I see that happening. Starting to feel like a crotchity old man, but if other parents don't have common sense, I figure I'll shame some into them. :roll:


Beach Lover
Jan 11, 2005
Ventura County CA
Smiling JOe said:
So if the unregistered users cannot see the photos shown above, how can they know that which they are missing? Personally, I don't find the photo funny and think it is in bad taste.

RiverOtter said:
Riverotter, who knows how these funny ideas develop.

I've always been a swimmer. When I was little, women and girls ALWAYS had to wear ugly, uncomfortable bathing caps at the local public pool.
Then the late 60's happened, guys started wearing their hair longer, and all of a sudden rules were relaxed and it was okay for *everyone* to swim without bathing caps. Always was a bit miffed about that one, but at least I was free from hideous rubber caps.

They do wear tighter clothes in Europe. Maybe they think germs have more elbow room in baggy bathing suits?

Sometimes I will speak to other people's kids as well, but I try to be diplomatic. When people are off their own stomping grounds, sometimes they are indeed careless--but other times they may simply not be aware of the rules.
I know that I have appreciated other people politely clueing me in when I was ignorant of proper procedure.


SoWal Insider
Cil said:
Riverotter, who knows how these funny ideas develop.

I've always been a swimmer. When I was little, women and girls ALWAYS had to wear ugly, uncomfortable bathing caps at the local public pool.
Then the late 60's happened, guys started wearing their hair longer, and all of a sudden rules were relaxed and it was okay for *everyone* to swim without bathing caps. Always was a bit miffed about that one, but at least I was free from hideous rubber caps.

They do wear tighter clothes in Europe. Maybe they think germs have more elbow room in baggy bathing suits?

Sometimes I will speak to other people's kids as well, but I try to be diplomatic. When people are off their own stomping grounds, sometimes they are indeed careless--but other times they may simply not be aware of the rules.
I know that I have appreciated other people politely clueing me in when I was ignorant of proper procedure.

Hi Cil,

That was actually me that spoke to the kids. Born and raised in the south every child is a sweetie or honey to me. It probably got a bit sterner after the 4th and 5th time I asked them to please not run up and roll down the dunes that had just been replenished. But always polite.

I agree, if I am doing something I am not supposed to be doing a nice polite reminder is always better than someone in my face screecing is uncalled for.
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