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SoWal Expert
Feb 15, 2005
Last night the WCSD voted to place a referendum on the August ballot that will give voters the opportunity to change the way the WCSD superintendent is chosen- from elected in a political race to appointed based on experience, education, and qualifications.
Please visit the website to learn more and make a donation to the campaign. This is an exciting time for Walton County!:clap:

Frequently Asked Questions


Why should Walton County switch to a superintendent of schools who is appointed by the school board?
All kids need a strong education so that they can succeed in school, go to college, or get great jobs after they graduate. Our current superintendent has announced her intention to retire at the end of her term. This provides us with a neutral opportunity to improve the structure of our school system for years to come – and make sure that our schools have strong, experienced, and accountable leadership for the future.
The best way to do this is to empower our elected school board to select the next superintendent of schools from a pool of qualified, talented leaders who are committed to the success of our students.
Appointing a superintendent of schools increases the superintendent’s accountability to taxpayers and to the community and raises the bar for the qualifications of the position.
But doesn’t every school district elect its superintendent?
Of the 14,500 school districts in America, only about 150 – or one percent! – still elect their superintendents of schools. The rest are appointed. Most districts have transitioned away from elected superintendents of schools, because electing a superintendent of schools, in the 21[SUP]st[/SUP] century, does not provide the accountability that parents and taxpayers deserve in our very competitive economy.
In addition, the day-to-day management of schools should not involve politics. Superintendents of schools must focus their full energy and effort – every single day – on running our schools, not running for office. After all, there is no Republican or Democratic way to educate children – which is one of the reasons that our school board elections are already nonpartisan.
How will the school board select a new superintendent?
The selection process will be decided by elected school board. Typically, the appointment of a superintendent involves a thorough search process, during which the community, teachers, and parents have an opportunity to interview potential candidates for the position.
The search process will attract individuals with a proven track record of successfully running school systems. And because of Florida’s robust Sunshine Laws, residents and taxpayers will be fully aware of, and involved in, the process of selecting the new superintendent.
How does this referendum make our school district more accountable to students, parents, taxpayers and teachers?
With input from the community, the school board would set performance metrics for the superintendent of schools, and would hold that person accountable for results. For example, the school board can require that the new superintendent set specific guidelines for being responsive to parent feedback and concerns, and set specific goals for increasing student achievement.
In addition, this change will empower our elected school board to increase the qualifications for the position of superintendent. Right now, the only requirements to serve as superintendent is to be a resident of Walton County and hold a high school diploma.
Will this referendum have any impact on our teachers?
An appointed superintendent will be in a much better position to partner with teachers to improve our schools and increase student learning. By changing the way we select our superintendent, we can remove some of the uncomfortable politics that exists in the teacher-superintendent relationship.
Will appointing a superintendent cost more money?
Changing the way we choose our superintendent of schools will likely save us money. By empowering the elected school board to appoint a superintendent, Walton County can search for an experienced professional with budgeting expertise. The school board would be empowered to require the new superintendent to be more efficient in the spending of our tax dollars.
What happens if an appointed superintendent doesn’t do a good job?
If an appointed superintendent doesn’t work out, the board can vote to terminate the superintendent and find someone who does a better job for Walton County’s kids. Right now, there is no reasonable process to terminate or remove a superintendent who is not doing a good job.
Doesn’t this change take away our right to vote?
No! If anything, it gives voters more power, because the election of school board members will become more important. When we increase the responsibilities of the school board (by empowering these elected leaders to select our superintendent), more effort and energy will go into the election of these officials – who already have almost as much taxing authority as the Board of County Commissioners. This means we’ll likely see more competitive school board elections.
Who is behind this referendum?
This effort is supported by a rare coalition of Republicans and Democrats; folks from North Walton and South Walton; parents of children and citizens without kids; and people from all backgrounds. This is a community-driven effort to bring greater accountability to our schools, so that all students can succeed.


Dec 15, 2011
Let me preface what I'm going to say with this...I am NOT opposed to appointing a superintendent.

From what I'm hearing however, this whole initiative has the powers that be in Walton County (certain media and a couple of influential churches) ready to do battle. Some of the comments I've heard include; "this initiative takes away the peoples right to vote" and "it is not cost effective".

Jim Tucker

Beach Fanatic
Jul 12, 2005
Let me preface what I'm going to say with this...I am NOT opposed to appointing a superintendent.

From what I'm hearing however, this whole initiative has the powers that be in Walton County (certain media and a couple of influential churches) ready to do battle. Some of the comments I've heard include; "this initiative takes away the peoples right to vote" and "it is not cost effective".

That's silly. It has nothing to do with rights to vote. It only removes the process of electing a bureaucrat and changes it to appointing one.


Dec 15, 2011
I'm not disagreeing with you...I only mentioned comments I've actually heard.

Bob Hudson

Beach Fanatic
May 10, 2008
Santa Rosa Beach
It's all about what the people of Walton County want.

I doubt that Wings or the people interested in seeing an open discussion are "Going to War". It's about what is best for the children of Walton counties education and future.

Hopefully people will be willing to weigh both sides without a nuclear attack.


Beach Fanatic
Nov 1, 2011
So let's answer the question: "Why would the powers that be and large churches be so interested in electing a superintendent instead if appointing one?"

My thoughts...it is easier to elect and control one superintendent than to elect and control an entire board.

Why do they want the control?
1. For those running the tourism business, it could be because they prefer our schools to produce a large group of young people only educated to work in low-wage tourism support services.
2. Many large churches have their own private schools. If public schools are improved enough, the enrollment in private schools could either decline, or the private schools could be held to a higher standard as well.

In either scenario, it is about money, but I suspect the deep concern they express is for their money, not the taxpayers'.
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