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Dec 15, 2011
If we have good elected School Board Members, we would then have five people that could select, through a hiring process, the BEST candidate for the position of Super.

Powers that be want to keep that spot Elected as they want control of all county coffers.

The way the School Board / Super work right now, there is NO accountability, only one woman who seems to strike fear in her minions.

Can you name 3 good ones of those currently running? I think you will be hard pressed to name one.


Dec 15, 2011
jdarg...to answer your question...

If electing a superintendent works so well, then why is it less than 1% of school districts nationwide still continue this practice?

You're asking me why Walton County is slower than the rest of the Country to get behind something that has proven to be effective yet, you didn't run because of the way the current "crony" system works. I think you inadvertently answered your own question! :D

(especially since I do not live in any of the districts with elections this year).

Mrs. Jones has 2 homes and lives at the one in whatever district shes running in. It's worked for her on the campaign trail for years....not so much once elected though.
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