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Beach Comber
Dec 22, 2004
Does anyone know of a good and affordable lunch on 30-A? I have about given up. The places that are affordable are packed with construction workers, and the food is horrible. Most of the places with decent food, are slow, and overpriced. By price I mean the 5-8 dollar range. Yesterday at one place, a sandwich and a coke cost me $13.50. I can get the same thing in Pensacola for $6.00. It's one thing if you're a here on vacation, but living here and buying lunch every day can really add up.


SoWal Insider
I am not sure where you tried. Bruno's pizza located in Seagrove Plaza has a buffet every week day. It's pretty good. Cocoons deli is also a good choice and has a variety of sandwiches, salads, bbq and an interesting selection of hot sauces and olive oils. Seagrove Village Market is good.

If I have mentioned something you've already tried my apologies.

Here is a good little website to use to find a place depending on which end of 30-A you happen to be on. It will also give you an idea of price.


Hope this helps.


Beach Lover
Jan 11, 2005
Ventura County CA
RiverOtter said:
How about the Publix Deli counter. :cool:

Funny, but true. :clap_1: :lolabove:


Beach Lover
Mar 3, 2005
The beaches are great, there's a warm ocean breeze,
but you'll never find just a plain old grilled cheeze.

Screw lunch-sized shrimp ceasars with roasted chick peas.
Can one friggin' restaurant just serve a grilled cheeze?

No Popeyes, no Wendys, not one Tasty Freeze;
no pizzas delivered to your door with ease.

So we'll eat our aioli beneath the palm trees
Since no friggin' restaurant serves a plain old grilled cheeze.
WaltonUndercurrent said:
The beaches are great, there's a warm ocean breeze,
but you'll never find just a plain old grilled cheeze.

Screw lunch-sized shrimp ceasars with roasted chick peas.
Can one friggin' restaurant just serve a grilled cheeze?

No Popeyes, no Wendys, not one Tasty Freeze;
no pizzas delivered to your door with ease.

So we'll eat our aioli beneath the palm trees
Since no friggin' restaurant serves a plain old grilled cheeze.

:D Not bad :D


Staff member
Oct 15, 2004
WaltonUndercurrent said:
The beaches are great, there's a warm ocean breeze,
but you'll never find just a plain old grilled cheeze.

Screw lunch-sized shrimp ceasars with roasted chick peas.
Can one friggin' restaurant just serve a grilled cheeze?

No Popeyes, no Wendys, not one Tasty Freeze;
no pizzas delivered to your door with ease.

So we'll eat our aioli beneath the palm trees
Since no friggin' restaurant serves a plain old grilled cheeze.

Enjoying your blog. :clap_1:


Beach Lover
Feb 18, 2005
Ok-I am getting a little concerned here-hahehaha-am I going to have to take out a loan to feed the family of six on vacation!!!! :roll: I am assuming that we will be eating out at night and cooking during the day as we break from the beach-Are there any grocery stores nearby or should we bring everthing with us? :dunno:
taterbaby said:
Ok-I am getting a little concerned here-hahehaha-am I going to have to take out a loan to feed the family of six on vacation!!!! :roll: I am assuming that we will be eating out at night and cooking during the day as we break from the beach-Are there any grocery stores nearby or should we bring everthing with us? :dunno:

Here's what us "planners" do.:blush: We bring breakfast and luch stuff from home and usually eat at the condo for both meals. However, we will eat lunch out a couple of times just cause it's fun to ride bikes or walk to a neat cafe:cool: . We will eat out 4-5 nights (One really expensive place :shock: and the rest moderate). I do like to buy fresh seafood from the markets and cook dinner:cool: . If you plan on eating out for lunch and dinner. Yes, you will need to take out a 2nd maybe even a 3rd mtg on your house :D .
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