Here is my take on this situation: You can devise any flag scheme, scare tactics, advanced monitoring system or media campaign you want to dissuade red flag swimmers, but it will never work. Why? Because, as Kit pointed out above, people anticipate coming here for weeks to months in advance and spend big money to do so, and they are gonna get in that Gulf come Hell, high water or red flags! That anticipation, frustration and poor judgement is what leads to these drowning deaths.
So what would I do if given a blank check to actually impact the number of drownings and let people percieve that they are salvaging a vacation? I would scrap the whole idea of the softball park and instead build a huge wave park. As kids we used to go to one at Buccaneer State Park in Mississippi (not sure if Katrina demolished it or not), but maybe you have been to one;essentially, they are humongous pools that generate waves, simulating the ocean quite well. That park could be open all swimming season and on a daily basis generate revenue from admission, concessions, locker rentals, etc. Then, when we have red flag days, the admission could be free for anyone staying in a SOWAL rental, and half price for anyone, perhaps even bribing with cokes or whatever. You have to give people options besides plain old swimming pools, and this would be one. I'm not naive to think this would stop all knuckleheads from entering the gulf on double red days, but I bet it would help cut down on the problem tremendously. And it would generate money even on green flag days and be an honest to goodness swim/play park for locals and visitors alike. Crazy idea? Sure, but the very definition of insanity is trying the same failed techniques and expecting a different outcome. So no more crazy than cartoon crabs begging attention be paid to flags admonishing people to stay out of the water that they came down here to swim in!