BUMP...and grind!!! :clap_1:
Tonight is the night!
Gulf Place
7-9 pm
Tear it up Miss Kitty! You KNOW we would be there if we could Funny thing happened Sunday, we went to a sketchy lounge to watch some live jazz, and this guy whipped out the washboard and spoons. I blurted out "Miss Kitty!"...and thats a fact!
...I'll miss you two, but promise to do you proud. I will however be sharing the stage with one, jfunn. :roll:
Has the pre-show party started? I heard about one that started at lunchtime at GTTBM's......
Wasn't me...if I did that I would sleep through the Du! However, David just got back from the likker store and has all the ingredients for Planter's Punch. We are catching an early bird special for dinner and heading on over!!! Pray for our house guests.