is a great resource and completely free training site to learn all stages of website building from the beginner to the advanced. is the World Wide Web Consortium which is basically the international governing body on all things to do with web coding. Not a great learning how-to site but an invaluable resource to understanding all things web based. However, they do have validators which will scan your codes and point out errors.
Lastly, but my favorite is which is the end-all be-all forum site for webmasters. Any question you have can be asked or more than likely has already been asked in those threads. You could spend a lifetime reading and learning over there.
I have created many websites, personal and ecommerce alike, and can lend you some advice if you get stuck or have a question. But to create simple text and photo pages you should have no problem. In fact, with todays WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) programs you don't even need to understand HTML coding. You basically move text and photos around the editor as you would in Word then upload the code to your host. Fin.
There are many free WYSIWYG editors online. Just google for them. If you really get into it and want a professional program I'd recommend Dreamweaver.
Good luck! :clap_1:
edit: almost forgot. You mentioned wanting your own url. If you want that then you'll need to purchase one and secure a host to host your site on their servers. For a single site I would recommend using I think the url purchase runs around $10/year and hosting varies but you should be able to get something in the $10/month range. I know some first time builders like Yahoo for both as well.