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These guys :puke:Paradise Taxi are not very good in my opinion. Very Expensive as well. I know the owner and several of the drivers. You decide for yourself. Just an FYI. From my perspective, you probably would be better off if you used these people:

Bahama Babbitt's Beachside Limo & Airport Shuttle
2000 Scenic Gulf Dr Unit 8
Miramar Beach, FL 32550

Bahama Babbitt's Beachside Limo & Airport Shuttle
Phone: (850) 837-0519

Bahama Babbitt's has a good reputation :clap_1: from what I have heard and give great service with reasonable prices..

PS I have no affiliation with Bahama Babbitt's....... Just what I have heard

katie blue

kt loo
Mar 11, 2005
in perpetual motion
Sitting at the red bar a couple weeks ago I spied at least one other car (maybe two, it was dark) just like this, parked in the lot. It was still solid teal blue, no business paint on it yet. Must be the start of a small fleet, same exact model.

Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
katie blue said:
Sitting at the red bar a couple weeks ago I spied at least one other car (maybe two, it was dark) just like this, parked in the lot. It was still solid teal blue, no business paint on it yet. Must be the start of a small fleet, same exact model.

I saw that car in Freeport at a garage getting serviced a few weeks ago. Today, I saw the sign on the door while it was in operation. The owner said he would slowly add cars as the business demanded.


Beach Fanatic
Feb 21, 2005
i took paradise taxi from grayton to the ft. walton airport for $60. i thought that was reasonable. very friendly, pleasant and professional driver. he used to be in the restaurant field and knew all the best places in sowal. they will be expanding their business on 30A.


Beach Fanatic
Apr 4, 2006
I am the owner of Paradise Taxi & Tour. First, I thank you for the tremendous support we have enjoyed from the community. Most have encouraged and helped to promote the service.
I have stated I will add cars to meet demand and I will. I have 5 Checker taxis in town now with 2 on the road. My goal in the near future is to be no more then 15 minutes from any fare location. Paradise Taxi offers 24/7 service at a cost nessasary to maintain the cars and drivers.
Second, The negative reveiw from JHBEEBE needed to be clarified. He states he has no connection with the transportation company he recomends. I do not dispute this. He has had buisness connections with me and others in my family. In fact in more troubleing times in his life he has even been a guest in my family's house. Now he seams to be an apple that has fallen far from my family's tree.
JHBEEBE if you wish to tarnish my taxi company in a public forum, please qualify your statements by explaining our relationship.
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