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Staff member
Oct 15, 2004
As reported on WZEP AM1460

The Walton School District Negotiation Team and teachers are at an impasse. With state money on the table the union and district team were not able to agree on terms to take to their respective sides. The state money could go away.

The state money is the funds Governor Scott helped to bring to teachers. There is a question if this money can be used for any education or just teachers. Once the money was approved at the state level, there were questions and the details of how it could be used and if it had to be negotiated needed to be answered. The question of who should get it is part of the difference between the two Walton sides.

The teacher's union wants the allocated state money, a step raise and the $150,000 offered by the District going to the teachers. The District has offered $150,000, a step raise and a portion of the state allocation. A remaining portion of the state allocation was approved for the Education Support Personnel. The Board agreed to pay the third category of employees, the administrators, from the general budget. The District says the allocated money can be split between the teachers and the ESP’s as it was meant for education. The teachers say it was meant for teachers. The allocation money was also used to help level the steps.

Speaking for the District Team, Mr. Copeland told the union team the leveling specifically gives more money sooner and for a longer time. He also talked about the fund balance and the Board not letting it drop below three percent. With the money for the administrators, a need to supplement foodservice, a need for dual enrollment, and the $150,000, the fund balance would likely go below the three percent.

The union said Superintendent Anderson said at a previous meeting if they could find it in the budget they could consider it. The Union team presented four parts of the budget they say had large increases. They said these totaled $2 million and the difference between the two proposals is only $230,000. The union team also has concerns about a drop in the future if the state allocation is not renewed. They asked how the district would have equalized the salary schedule of they did not use the state allocation. Copeland answered that they would not have.

The negotiations are at an impasse. This means they will operate on an old salary schedule. There are two options, the use of a Special Magistrate or a direct hearing before the School Board. Due to the state allocation monies needing to have a contract submitted by the first part of May, Copeland suggested they not take the usual Special Magistrate process and appeal directly to the Board. The Union said they would stay with the usual procedure. This can take six months. Copeland and the Union agreed to try and work quick. He explained he doesn't believe the Special Magistrate can order the District to pay the state allocation if it money they do not have. He said the $1.1 million in state allocation will be lost. The Union said they submitted their proposal last September and all the delay does not fall on them.

Bob Wells

Beach Fanatic
Jul 25, 2008
Saw on the news where the District asked the Teachers to come back to the table to give them the same proposal that was turned down already. Stay Strong Teachers

Jim Tucker

Beach Fanatic
Jul 12, 2005
Both sides sat down again as the Walton Teachers and Board team continued with the negotiation process. As of Monday afternoon, the School Board and Union were at an impasse and the matter was being prepped to go to a mediator, possibly in time to still get the state money. This as opposed to taking the matter directly to the School Board. There are only about three unions that have not completed negotiations.

Consultant Jerry Copeland opened saying they wanted to be sure they were all understanding the proposals. He said the State Appropriation has been reported as $2,500 for every teacher and school based administrator. He said he is not sure people understood there was an amount for charter schools that had to be taken out. Copeland said, since they now have 606 teachers, times $2500, not including the school based administrators, the amount would leave a minus difference of $255,749 from the $1.3 million appropriated. He also talked about benefit costs such as retirement, totaling $221,190. Copeland said the total is $476,939 that has to be taken out of the amount from the state. Copeland said there was never $2500 coming to each Walton teacher and as far as he knows not for any other county.

Copeland asked the union representative if she remembers saying they would prefer to split the money between the Teachers and ESP unions. She said no, she remembers saying they would look at it. Copeland said he believes that was a direct quote. Copeland also talked about $400,000 in pay scale leveling. Copeland said, after the teachers voted the proposal down, the issue was one of the state money. He noted the amount was improved by around $150,000, but it was not taken for ratification. Copeland said the union’s salary proposal on April 21st, included the money already allocated for the ESP’s, plus an additional $78,000 and not the cost of benefits.

Copeland then referenced a form where the union looked at possible ways to save. This was after the Superintendent said she would consider more if they could find the money. He showed where one of the figures was half a million off. Copeland then showed where they took the current budget, with over 9 months, and compared the costs. He said that where the union said there were savings of $2.2 million, they actually are going to be in the red by $7,620. He also said, if they took the union’s proposal, it would put the fund balance under the needed 3%.

Both sides worked to speed up the Special Magistrate process, one that could take up to six months. Copeland said the magistrate they selected was not able to do the work, so they would go to the second one on the list. The union said they have a magistrate, Tom Young and a date of May 2nd. Copeland said this was good. He asked to allow the special magistrate to rule from the bench. The union said they would have to talk with the members, that they were not necessarily comfortable with the time. Copeland said they are interested in not losing the $1.3 million. The union agreed they do not want that to happen either.

Copeland said they are allowed to negotiate during impasse and asked if the union would take the last offer to the body for a ratification vote. He said the union, that is the representatives at the table, would not take the last proposal to the members. They confirmed, saying it was because they did not have a tentative agreement. Later the union team said, while they did not put the matter to a vote, they did poll the membership.

The union negotiation team talked privately then came and talked with the members in the rooms. As they returned to the table, the district team was told the teachers still do not trust the Board and was surprised the district team had not brought a new proposal. They also reminded the district team they had come with a proposal last September. They further said they asked for but never received a written proposal, just an oral agreement. The district team was told the union wants someone else to consider the issue. This means the situation is still at impasse and should eventually go to the special magistrate.


Beach Fanatic
Oct 16, 2008
The Walton teacher ratification vote is over. The results are: 439 - yes to ratify and 50 not to ratify. Therefore, they have approved the special magistrate's recommendation which was the School board’s last salary proposal.

Superintendent Carlene Anderson is calling a special meeting on Thursday, May 22, immediately following the 5:00 PM special meeting but no earlier than 5:45 PM in the School Board Meeting Room at the Tivoli Complex for the purpose of:

1. approval of Collective Bargaining Agreement between Walton County School Board and the Walton County Educational Association Instructional Staff,
2. approval of the Teacher Salary Allocation Plan for Walton County School District for submission to the Department of Education,
3. approval of the Supervisory, Confidential, and Managerial Salary Schedule for 2013-2014, and
4. approval of the Administrative Salary Schedule Language for the 2013-14 School Year.
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