With the amenities and interior design of our home, no one has commented on the pool furniture. We've got some pretty snooty friends and relatives, and, trust me, they'd say something passive-aggressive if they thought the furniture looked bad.Johnrudy said:When it comes to flimsy plastic, even if they aren't vocal about it - beleive me, guests are certainly thinking it: "...with such a nice beach home, why would they buy such cheap furniture???..."
I'm totally with you on this one. If I'm paying $4 or $5k a week just for lodging alone, I don't want to sit on Walmart chairs. It does look chintzy. Seriously, it's the whole package. Now, that's easy for me to say because I don't own anything there. I say buy fewer chairs but have good quality.
When you have a big house with a pool and multiple porches, you can't get by with fewer chairs.
I'm just not going to spend $5000 a year on pool furniture unless I increase my rates. I don't think the Poly-Wood looks good, and it's not comfortable because it's very hard and inflexible. And the Sunbrella cushions don't last. We've tried that - each chaise cushion costs $125, and you're lucky if they're still usable after a month of rentals.
It's pretty disheartening to see your pool furniture damaged with burn marks from the grill. Is that going to encourage me to provide nicer accoutrements for our renters? I think not.