Thanks - I guess it's the room rate that's the tough part.
Kurt, here is a web-site for a company I have been using for years for more reasonable accommodations in NY. I hate staying in hotels; I used to work for weeks at the time in NYC and I found this company for short term apartment. They are reasonable and I always felt as though I was experiencing the city as a local, not a tourist. That's my preference. the folks who run Metro-Home are wonderful and the apartments are clean, comfortable, and safe, and they have more room than the typical hotel. I prefer the East Side and love the bldg at 310 E.55th; also anywhere along 1st Ave;
but if you prefer another part of the city, they have places all over.
Furnished Apartments for Corporate Housing and Vacation Rental In New York City: Metro-Home
PM me if I can help you. I have enjoyed New York many times on a budget and many times on an expense account--both experiences are fantastic. I love the city.