Teresa..I'm and usually on your side but we have plenty of second homeowners pouring in and people who need refuge who have no homes left east of us..the businesses will do plenty of business without tourists. Heaven forbid that a homeowner in the upscale resorts lose out on a week or two after jamming thousands of people into their homes from April through October
@outofadream, I appreciate your heart and I hear where you're coming from. Here is what's going on in SoWal now...
Our resorts and towns are just getting online with full power and internet, etc, even though we had very minimal damage. Our community depends on tourism now more than ever as we work hard to help our neighbors in Panama City, Lynn Haven, Mexico Beach, Port St Joe and many other small towns to our east. Our community is working so hard - I've never seen such energy and generosity of time, talent, skill, and urgency to coordinate resources and get to work here and over there. Groups, businesses, restaurants, and individual people literally shopping, gathering supplies, donating and traveling each and every day over to feed people, provide supplies going door to door, driving to the most remote areas, dropping off supplies in Mexico Beach (with police escort), feeding first responders, troops and many people who haven't seen food or water until they arrive (just yesterday!). While over in Bay County, our friends are finding out specific supplies needed RIGHT NOW and where, and blasting that out to everyone on this side so that our efforts are more streamlined, focused and effective. Proud of this community!!!
South Walton has set up its own distribution point in Lynn Haven with food, supplies and live music every day - several groups of locals are organizing and keeping this going. Read more about local hurricane relief efforts organized in South Walton and Destin in
SoWal Forums | Hurricane Michael Relief: Donations & Drop Off Sites.
Second homeowners will definitely step up and so will locals when it comes to connecting people with housing - I've seen several do so already just in my own social media timeline! Also, some of our vacation rental companies are working directly with agencies to help provide temporary placement for people right now because there are plenty of vacancies. We will share this information as we get more details - but it's already happening. Some companies are offering discounts while others are working directly with families to place them in temporary housing for free or at very discounted rates (each evacuee has a different situation financially etc). Some families are taking in families in their homes here. And some evacuees are seeking long-term term housing here as well as employment.
Meanwhile, hurricane relief and recovery will go on for many months while our businesses truly depend on keeping tourism going right now. We must keep businesses thriving here so we can help our neighbors to rebuild their communities. When they say that the Florida Panhandle is Stronger When We're Together, it is so true!
Here is an awesome, inspiring and sobering message posted by Seaside today (facebook):
Seaside New Town Old Ways | Facebook
We are very grateful to announce that the Merchants of Seaside and our little beach town is open for business.
We say this as our Seaside Staff, Merchants, their employees, and our neighboring towns to the East have suffered greatly. Their homes are damaged, destroyed, or gone altogether. Their power is slowly being restored and cell service is not consistent in areas where some of our employees and their families live. Relief efforts are being spearheaded by many of our Merchants and Staff while they make sure that their employees and families are safe and have a place to go.
Our very own Seaside Chapel raised tens of thousands of dollars and has distributed funds to employees in need. This amazing gesture happened quietly and quickly.
Many of our guests coming into town for Fall Break and annual vacations have reached out to us privately asking us how they can help. We are humbled by this outpouring of support. We ask that you visit and donate. We ask that you patronize the businesses that are open in our area. We ask that you wait patiently as our neighbors to the East rebuild and then patronize their towns and businesses as soon as they are back up and running.
Hurricane Michael came out of nowhere and shook the Panhandle to the core. But we have seen the banding together of survivors and victims. Thousands of linemen, first responders, moms, dads, sisters, and brothers - all there for one another during a time of unspeakable destruction. From Panama City to Lynn Haven and beyond, we will support recovery until the last business is open and the last roof is replaced.
#SeasideFL #PanhandleStrong #ShoreUp