Dabell said:
Countrywide said that they will not send me out a good faith until I fax them some papers.
If they pulled your credit report, they have three days to generate a copy of your application, good faith estimate, truth and lending, and several other disclosures. If not, they are trying to qualify you. Your statement makes me believe you are working w/ the retail division at Countrywide, through an existing mortgage, retail store in your town, or their website. End run these folks and get an aggressive broker who can use the wholesale division, as they offer lower rates. The broker can make his/her money by being paid yield spread premium[commision paid by lender to sell a slightly higher rate], or charging you a broker fee, or both. Shop as many brokers as you can stand as long term rates remain stable. A good broker can give you a lower rate, charge no origination,discount points, serve as a buffer w/ the lender, and make the whole ordeal a bit easier. A bad broker will beg for your business, give you a partially filled out good faith estimate,not mail you your disclosures in a timely manner, and behave like a car salesman. I'm already seeing the grappling hooks being thrown out on this thread. Do not pay upfront points!!!! Get a broker trusted and used by someone known to you that has done business with said party, got to closing w/ no suprises. This will get you through the minefield.