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Beach Lover
Apr 18, 2024
I am "DownSouth" and I agree. We seem to over react too much and let our emotions get all out of whack to the point where we say things that will eventually back fire. Let history be a reminder of how far we have come. Have we come far enough? Probably not but we were going in the right direction for a long time. I do think we have to be honest and say that we have all become more politically charged and that we need to think before we speak. The name calling has gotten out of hand. The anger we feel when we disagree with an issue is taking us down a path that will not be good for anyone. I am from the South and I hear negative sentiments all the time from people who do NOT know much about the history of the Civil War or War Between the States or the orgins of slavery. They do know a lot about anger, blame and hatred. Most of us are hippocrites so relax a little otherwise go learn something you do not know as much as you think you do :)
Exactly. The entire purpose of the current two party system is to be divisive. There’s so much junk out there that people are conditioned to be sensitive to that when you really think about it, who gives a hoot?

Robert E Lee had slaves…woohoo. Shakespeare was a homosexual…woohoo….Jesus was a Jew…woohoo. I personally have no way of validating these things other than taking the word of others and even if I do, it has no impact on my life today.

I’ll be damned if I give someone else so much power over me and my personal state of wellbeing because some collection of colors and lines or symbols are placed on a piece of cloth. Same goes for words. Who cares? Life is short and beautiful, stop looking for reasons to be angry/negative/hateful.
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