I know it's hard to hear these responses. I don't think anyone is trying to put you off as much as shed some light on the truth about a second home. I feel the same way you do. Every time I cross over the bridge, I feel like I'm coming home. I just somehow want a piece of my life to be anchored in SoWal. I can tell you my husband and I have done some serious number crunching over several years of market watching. I just can't ever make the numbers cover the monthly nut. I've heard people say they're breaking even or making profits. Maybe this is true, but I can't make it work with the spread sheet I'm using. The honest scenario we always come back to is, "What if it never rents?". We have to be good with that picture. As an owner of one home there always seems to be something coming up that needs our attention. It's the nature of the beast. Just keep that in mind. Your dream beach house will have the same scenario. We haven't given up on the dream, don't you either. Just look at all the angles before you jump. We've finally just said, "What the heck", and are now contemplating a full time move. I wish you the best a would love to hear what you guys decide. Have a great trip. We hope to be back down sooner than later.