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SoWal Guide
Staff member
Nov 15, 2004
South Walton, FL
Seaside Summer Concert Series 2012
Wednesdays at 7pm

The Seaside Summer Concert Seriesreturns to the Seaside Amphitheater on Wednesdays beginning June 6ththrough August 15th. For eleven weeks this summer, music lovers canenjoy a variety of exciting live musical performances in the heart ofSouth Walton. The Seaside Summer Concert Series is free and open to all and a great way toexperience some of today’s up-and-coming artists amongst thebeautiful backdrop of Seaside.

For the second year in a row, Seasidewas voted the “Hottest Spot for Outdoor Concerts” by 30A.com andfans from across the region have become accustomed to seeing bandswho perform in Seaside go on to bright musical careers. Allperformances begin at 7 p.m. and free parking is available aroundCentral Square, Quincy Circle and Smolian Circle. Below are the bandsscheduled to perform in Seaside during the month of June.


June 6: Nic Cowan
When the nativeTexan and transplanted Atlantan decided to get serious about hismusical career, he turned to the professional musician he knewbest—his dad, a drummer who regularly gigged with folk, country andjazz ensembles. As an aspiring frontman and solo artist, the youngerCowan wanted dad’s ideas on what it would take to be successful.And dad, who’d played behind more than a few frontmen—good, badand indifferent—was more than happy to lay aside his sticks to dropsome wisdom. “He said the key is to be completely original,”Cowan recalls. “Don’t do something that people can categorizeeasily. You want them not to be able to put a label on you. You canbe an amazing singer, amazing player, amazing songwriter, but if yousound like something that’s already out there, then you’re notgoing to get far.”

Cowan clearly took that advice toheart. His Southern Ground debut, Hard Headed, is winsomely crowdpleasing but unclassifiable—neatly mixing southern rock, country,soul and R&B without being hewing to any single style.

Cowan’s gritty, soulfulvoice—redolent of whiskey, cigarettes and dues paid—completes thepackage, announcing the arrival of an artist ready for bigger stages.“The second I learned how to play guitar, the moment I learnedthree chords, I started writing,” Cowan recalls. “The writingaspect of it was what I really got into. I decided I wanted to be asongwriter. And that’s still how I see myself—the rest of it issecondary”

Acoustic guitar in hand, Cowan joinedthe ranks of hopefuls haunting open mic nights, playing gigs andpenning a handful of originals while juggling day jobs. Or nightjobs. Or a mix of both. As he recalls, for a time he’d work agraveyard shift at UPS, then a seven-hour shift doing maintenance atan apartment complex and finally an evening performance.

June 13: Humming House
It’sfitting that a song about Django Reinhardt, the father of gypsy-jazz,kicks off the self-titled debut by Humming House. The bandmemberscertainly embrace the gypsy spirit, having come from varied cornersof the country with all types of instruments and styles to find eachother in Nashville. Out January 17, 2012, and produced by Grammywinning Mitch Dane (Jars of Clay) and Vance Powell (Raconteurs andBuddy Guy) the record reflects other eras – utilizing everythingfrom parlor guitar to clanging electric guitar, viola to B3 organ,and even a singing saw. The joyous, swing-infectious romp“Gypsy Django” was also the genesis of the band and the album.

When coproducer Mitch Dane first heardthem play, he cemented their decision to record together by puttingthem in the studio with his own resources to record that first track.The result was so unmistakably meant to be that plans for the albumwere undertaken immediately. Humming House’s mingling of swing, rockabilly, and Irish music, along with clanging electric guitars andsurprising lush layers and harmonies, set them apart from growinglegions of roots-influenced artists. They have drawn early supportfrom STETSON’s Center Stage, local Nashville radio, and NPR’s AllThings Considered.

Songwriter and lead vocalist Justin Wade Tam began collaborating with his bandmates at casual Irish jamshe hosted at his Nashville home, and on “Stop Me Still” theband’s varying studies are on display. Mike Butera, who plays therockabilly influenced electric guitar line, is not only a classicallytrained violinist but also a Professor of Sociology at Belmont with aPHD in Sound Studies. Meanwhile, mandolinist Joshua Wolak was astraight-up bluegrasser who also happened to study trombone andpiano. Kristen Rogers, a young, but old school R&B and soulsinger, brought in bassist and classical composition guru Ben Jones.

June 20: Ingram Hill
Memphis-basedrock trio Ingram Hill would probably love to have it look as if theirlatest album, "Look Your Best," was as easy-breezy tocreate as the lyrics suggest, but lead singer/guitarist Justin Mooresays it was made with a great deal of hard work, determination, andgrit. "I think it felt like we were in a place in our careerwhere we really were going through a stressful time," says Mooreof the period after parting ways with their former major label home,Hollywood Records. "We were trying to get our stuff together,and we spent a lot of time and effort trying to make this as great aspossible. It's not like we haven't done that with all of our records,but this one felt like there was a lot more weight on it, on theprocess of making it. We gave it everything we had. It
seemed like an appropriate title. Wewere putting on our best for our audience, for our fans."

Going into the studio with producerRick Beato (Billionaire, Michelle Malone, Flickerstick, Shinedown) athis Stone Mountain, Georgia, studio was a bit of a no-brainer, as theband had worked with him on their first fulllength, 2004's "June'sPicture Show," which was the album that got them signed toHollywood in the first place and boasted two Billboard Top25-charting Hot AC radio hits ("Will I Ever Make It Home"and "Almost Perfect").

Returning to a place of comfort andfamiliarity, making a record where they could call the shotscompletely, made sense. Says Moore: "It was kind of awesome andscary at the same time. With our previous experience with a label[making "Cold In California"], there were a lot of cooks inthe kitchen. And that can just make for a diluted record.

And there are just so many opinions andit takes forever. So, this time it was left to us and Rick." Prior to entering the studio, Moore andguitarist Phil Bogard, the two songwriters of the group, set adeadline for themselves. Even though they already had some songskicking around in the Ingram Hill universe that made sense to record,they gave themselves a month to write at least 20 more. Says Moore:"Most of the songs on the record are from that month of writing.We're a good deadline band. So we busted our tails." Bogardadds: "The writing process was definitely more natural.Basically it was Justin and me working at our own houses, then we'dget together and collaborate. I'd be calling him every day going‘I've got a song for you.' And he'd call me and say ‘WellI've got one for you, too.' I feel closer to this record than any ofthem that we've done."

Toward the end of the writing month,Moore came up with what will be the album's first single, thepop-rock gem "As Long As I'm With You." "I wrote thatone," Moore says, "and when I played it for Phil, he went‘That's what I've been waiting for out of you.' I've known Philfor the majority of my life, so it takes a lot to get a complimentout of each other. To hear that after we'd put together so many songsin three weeks, it made me feel good." Moore goes on to explainthe genesis of the song even further: "This song is for thatperson or the people who really kind of hold it together for you.When seemingly everything around you is falling apart, it's nice toknow that it's going to be okay because someone's got your back. Itdoesn't always have to be the same person, either. Sometimes it can be your best friend or significantother, and sometimes it can be a group of fans in the front row,smiling, dancing, and singing the words to your songs."

June 27: Jacob Jeffries Band
JacobJeffries is a 23 year old, gifted pianist that gives a refreshingtaste to the music generation of today. He is a singer/songwriterplaying all original music alongside drummer, Eric Jackowitz, andlead guitarist, Jimmy Powers V; they are recognized by the way theycaptivate an audience in their live performance. Jacob Jeffriesstarted playing the piano at the age of five. By ten he was writingoriginal music, and at the ripe age of 17, Warner Chappell offeredhim a publishing deal. At age 20, Jacob began recording with GrammyAward-winning producers Sebastian Krys and Dan Warner and haven'tstopped working together ever since. After Jacob won the FloridaGrammy Showcase for Best New Artist he continued to stay on the fasttrack with his career by playing at SXSW, Wanee Music Festival, aswell as opening for A-list musicians such as Sugar Ray, Gin
Blossoms and Dashboard Confessional.

2008 started off with a lot of activityfor the Jacob Jeffries Band. Jacob headed west to perform at the NAMMConference in Anaheim, CA, presented by Baldwin Pianos; he performedat BMI’s Leaf Lounge during the Sundance Film Festival in ParkCity, UT; he performed in Austin, TX at SXSW for the BMI AcousticBrunch and at the Red Gorilla Festival, March 19th he released hisdebut recording - Life As An Extra (the first of a series of 3 EP’sto be released independently over the next 6 months), he became aBaldwin Piano's sponsored artist.

Wonderful is the band's second EP andwas released in the summer of 2008. The idea was to follow up infrequent EP's rather than long anticipated LP's ... the way of thebusiness these days I suppose. Wonderful is bursting with pop tracks.The band departed from their bread n' butter ways in Life As An Extraand really tacked on the bells n'whistles for Wonderful. Story songslike "Weatherbee Freeman" are caked with horns and a banjoto give a real circus vibe. "And I Say" shows up again onthis release in a completely different form - another testament tothe fact that Jacob is not only growing as a songwriter/performer butas a studio artist as well.

Seaside offers up an exciting lineup ofmusicians scheduled through August, so stay tuned for more updates inthe coming weeks. All events are made possible by the arts andentertainment fee collected by The Merchants of Seaside. For moreinformation on our community & events, please visit us online at:www.seasidefl.com or find us on Facebook at:Facebook.com/SeasideFlorida.
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SoWal Guide
Staff member
Nov 15, 2004
South Walton, FL
The Seaside Summer Concert Series kicks off Wednesday, June 6th with a performance from
Nic Cowan!

Bring your blankets and lawn chairs out to the
Seaside Amphitheater at 7pm and enjoy!

Check out the lineup for June!
[h=1]Stellar Seaside Summer Series Starts June 6, 2012[/h]
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