The power brokers are people who weld their power over The People. They are authoritarian, elitist, politically connected and wealthy (or work for the wealthy). They have disconnected from The People because in their beliefs The People are losers and failures and always want something for nothing. They have effective methods of controlling the people and resources. On this forum they started posting this summer taking every advantage of fear tactics propaganda to gain support for private beaches. They do not want anyone to know who they are. Harrymurry could be right and it could be one person with several screen names. They rile people up to the point of emotional outburst which they use against them. I admit it is effective because well we are all human.
I understand your concerns about how this forum operates. I have been disrespected a plenty on previous threads (unrelated to this subject) by many of these people who support customary use. I will not call out names because they know who they are but I try to be respectful to everyone including the power brokers. The moderators have their reasons for their control over the forum. If you support an issue that the moderators may not agree with I do believe they will allow you to have a voice. Really that is a good thing so I would move on from perceived unfairness.
Back to the power brokers. Their math is always that The People are "less than" their perceived value. We should all be aware of anyone who abuses power. I really do not envy their success but I do not want anyone telling me or my family that we are "less than" because we have not worked as hard or achieved as much to earn the same rights as they have to our beach resources. Wealth already owns most of this planets most beautiful natural resources. Take notice of our beach disappearing behind bigger and bigger buildings. I think The People need to push back on this abuse in the distribution of our beach resources. We may have already waited too long because these power brokers are going to use whatever power it takes to keep people off parts of the beach. Those parts will grow and grow until we the people will have less and less access. Is that something that you want for future generations?