We won't be going back to Snapperheads ever again :nono1: - last night was pretty bad- especially when they decided to DRAG the pool table across the floor and every other word was f*ck out of the pool players' mouths. :shock:
I'm done! I guess the old saying is true: "you get what you pay for!"
Shelly's "bait & switch" comment may have been in jest, but that's exactly what is going on here.
I don't want this to turn into a "let's bash Snapperheads" thread. But by the same token, let's be honest here. First and foremost, the place is a bar - a bar that attempts to sell food. When I saw them spamming the board talking about their "new menu" and particularly their "wine list," I spewed coffee all over my monitor. Wine list? I guess they let you sniff the screw-off cap after your jug of Gallo is brought to the table. Honestly, do you see places like Borago or Criolla's posting news and specials on this board? Of course not.
Memo to Snapperheads: You have a cool, funky little spot with good bartenders. Stick to what you do best - making drinks. If you want to serve burgers and mahi sandwiches, go for it. But folks, you ain't exactly The Ocean Club. Do what you do best, stick to it, and don't try to be what you aren't.
Rant complete